P. 159


             Spatial, 58                                  Tropical crop, 56
             Spatial demography, 59                       Tropical polar teleconnection, 66
             Species distribution patterns, 62            Twentieth-century literature, 51
             Stateless and refugee groups, 123
             Strategic communication, 117                 U
             Strategic studies, 95                        Unmanned aerial vehicle, 65
             Stratification, 90                           Urban, 57
             Student employability, 39                    Urban development, 63, 141
             Subculture, 41                               User needs & behaviour, 107
             Sulawesi, 82                                 User needs & information seeking behaviour,
             Sustainable development, 67, 147             106
             Sustainable development and policy, 131
             Sustainable waste management, 67
             Syncretism, 18                               V
             Systematic review, 106                       Vegetation mapping and analytics, 65
                                                          Versification, 54
             T                                            Vietnam, 69
             Taiwan, 140                                  Visual cultures, 51
                                                          Voluntary Chinese organization, 28
             Taiwan’s foreign relations, 138              Vulnerability, 60
             Tamil Diaspora, 88                           Vulnerable group, 122
             Tamil education, 86
             Tamil language, 88
             Tamil literature, 89                         W
             Taoist philosophy, 31                        Wastewater, 64
             Taoist theology, 31                          Water resources, 56
             Teaching, 86                                 Watershed, 65
             Tertiary education & graduate employability, 132  Well-being, 110, 126
             Textual studies, 29                          Women, 71, 146
             Thailand, 135                                Women and substance abuse, 16
             The Chinese state and state enterprises, 141  Women empowerment, 20, 87
             The Philippines, 81                          Women’s literature, 50
             The Ramayana and Mahabharata Tradition in    Women’s movement, 145
             India, 85
             The use of ICT for development, 107          X
             Theatre, 44, 47                              Xenophobia, 145
             Think tanks in China, 138                    Xinjiang, 99, 143
             Time series analysis, 35
             Tolkien, 53
             Toxic, 64                                    Y
             Trade, 82                                    Young adult literature, 52
             Training and development, 127                Youth, 15
             Transboundary haze, 93
             Translation, 86
             Transnational labor and gendered migration, 123
             Treatment, 64

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