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             Port and shipping, 131                       Security, 96
             Positive communication, 110                  Security problems, 76
             Postcolonial literature, 46, 52              Semiconductor's geopolitics, 140
             Postcolonial studies, 114                    Sex trafficking, 49
             Poverty, 87                                  Sexism, 145
             Professional journalism, 118                 Sexual fluidity, 145
             Protected areas, 17                          Shakespeare, 47
             Protohistoric age, 79                        Siddha, 85
             Psychosocial problems, 16                    Siddha Philosophy, 91
             Public relations, 117                        Sino-Malay Translation Works, 29
             Publishing, 109                              Sinophone poetry, 54
             Publishing and technology, 112               Siraiki, 48
             Publishing business, 112                     Skills acquisition, 132
             Publishing technology, 119                   Slope bioengineering, 61
                                                          Small farmer, 56
             Q                                            Smuggling of migrants, 98
                                                          Social and cultural geography, 59, 136
             Qualitative research, 105, 127               Social change, 111
             Quality management, 102                      Social demography, 19
             Quantitative research, 116
                                                          Social impact, 63
                                                          Social inequality, 15, 90
             R                                            Social informatics, 105
             Race, 81                                     Social intervention, 125
             Rape, 145                                    Social management, 127
             Recidivism, 16                               Social media, 105, 119
             Regional economic modelling, 57              Social policy, 122
             Regionalism, 96                              Social science, 58
             Regressive analysis, 35                      Social threats, 15
             Religion, 18                                 Social welfare, 122
             Renaissance literature, 47                   Social well-being, 122
             Research data management, 103                Social work, 124, 125
             Research methods in social sciences, 14      Social work practice with communities, 121
             Research of a dream of Red Mansions, 26      Socio-law, 128
             Resilience, 60                               Sociolinguistic, 32
             Resistance poetry, 48                        Sociology, 88, 90
             Ritual, 18, 130                              Soft power, 140
             River, 65                                    Soil science, 61
             Russia, 72                                   Soil study, 56
                                                          Soil-plant hydraulics, 61
             S                                            Solutions journalism, 110
             Sabah, 69                                    South Asia, 52
             Sabah studies, 148                           South Asian politics, 99
             Sarawak regionalism, 28                      South China Sea, 97, 143
                                                          South China Sea dispute, 138
             Scholarly communication, 101                 South Thailand, 135
             Scholarly publishing, 101, 104, 109
             Scientometrics, 101, 102, 103                Southeast Asia, 69, 82, 85, 130, 133, 140
             Seagrass restoration, 62                     Southeast Asian politics, 94
                                                          Soviet and Post Soviet studies, 40

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