Page 20 - Annual Report 2021
P. 20

Overview  Leadership  Message  Business Segment   Moving Forward  Our Resources  Working for a   Corporate   Financial
                                     Review         Plan                      Better Tomorrow  Governance  Statements

          CHaIrman’S mESSaGE

                PEr sHarE OF

                                            During 2021, the Group successfully       and reporting between the Group
                                            achieved the following:               and its subsidiaries, as well as
                                                                                  between the Group and the UM
                                            •  Clearly separating academic and        Board of Directors, and
                                              business activities. This will enable      - Improving compliance with
                                              UM to focus on improving its prowess       accounting standards and
                                              and ranking as a premier research      professional practices.
                                              and teaching institution, while
                                              business is delegated to the Group    •  Implementing an effective
                 DiViDEnD OF                  as its designated corporate arm and      organisational structure and
                    rM7.0M                    managed by professionals.         strategies for greater operational
                                                                                and financial efficiency. This included:
                                            •  Establishing and strengthening
                                              corporate governance structures in     - Centralisation of core management
                                              line with business best practices. This        functions such as HR, IT, Finance
                                              included:                           and  Legal for cost savings and
                                                                                  future economies of scale,
                                              - Implementing a proper holding      - Recruitment of professional
                                                company structure to provide          managers for key leadership
                                                protection under the corporate veil,      positions at both the Group and
                                              - Ensuring a balanced Board          subsidiary level,
                                                composition comprising of both    - Implementing policies and
                                                academic and industry             procedures for administration,
                                                representatives with the right          finance and human capital
                                                expertise and experience to      development, and
                                                enhance Board effectiveness,     - Ongoing review of Group
                                              - Establishing Board Committees for        subsidiaries to identify and
                                                oversight and review of strategies       address strengths, weaknesses,
                                               and  decision-making,              opportunities and threats and
                                              - Clearly defining lines of authority        develop a sound business plan.

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