Page 21 - Annual Report 2021
P. 21
Building Financial strength delivered under the UM Specialist Our Plans
Following the rationalisation exercise, Centre (UMSC) as one of the nation’s In the immediate and short-term, the
the Group recorded the following key foremost medical institutions support Group will continue its rationalisation
financial milestones. the nation’s healthcare system as and improvement efforts to enable
well as the health and wellbeing our ongoing pursuit of excellence in
• Grew revenue by 12.4% from of our patients. The International UM’s best interests. We aim to be a
RM215.0m in 2020 to RM241.6m University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) formidable and committed partner
in 2021. provides access to quality higher to UM, contributing not only to its
• Improved PBT by 40.4% from education within an urban location financial strengths but also its social
RM17.8m in 2020 to RM25.0m and trains graduates for the future impacts.
in 2021. workforce. Meanwhile, our focus on
• Increased shareholders’ funds from commercialisation of UM’s intellectual To drive our vision, we will continue to
RM32.9m in 2020 to RM43.8m property enables UMH to bring deploy the following key strategies,
in 2021. innovative homegrown R& D and which are to:
• Increased earnings per share from solutions to the marketplace for the
RM0.80 in 2020 to RM1.10 in 2021. benefit of businesses and consumers. 1. Build and Strengthen our Core
As a result, the Group currently enjoys Going forward, the Group intends 2. Strengthen the Group Balance
a much stronger financial position. Our to further support the holistic Sheet and Cashflow Position.
improved finances and stronger capital development of students in line 3. Drive Towards Continuous Growth.
structure will also facilitate the Group’s with UM’s purpose of human capital 4. Continue Operational Excellence.
fundraising from external sources for development. This entails taking an programmes.
its operations, planned investments, integrated approach whereby the 5. Strengthen Financial and Human
and expansion programmes as per the Group will look not only into providing Resource Planning to Enhance
new UMH Group Business Plan 2022. financial aid and scholarships but People’s Performance.
will also invest in modern student
How We contribute residences and the requisite Moving forward, we will champion new
Aligned with its higher purpose of infrastructure, tools and support to business and investment opportunities
supporting UM’s financial viability, the develop employable talent. Our aim in Healthcare, Education, Properties
Group was pleased to declare dividend is to create an enabling ecosystem & Plantations, and Intellectual Capital
of RM7.0m to UM. for student development, whereby and set higher KPIs as guided by the
students and graduates will ultimately UMH Group Business Plan 2022 and
At the same time, the Group’s be able to contribute positively to in alignment with the UM Master
strengthened financials enable us to social and economic development. Plan, which includes setting higher
contribute to our key stakeholders KPIs to improve our performance. Our
and make a positive impact on proposed initiatives in the short term
society. As a responsible corporate are as follows:
citizen committed to enhancing social We aim to be
wellbeing, the Group contributed a formidable
RM100,000 for flood victims and and committed
will allocate further funding for partner to UM,
scholarships, financial aid to needy
students, as well as sports, cultural and contributing
talent development. not only to its
financial strengths
Our business activities also have a but also its
profound impact on our stakeholders social impacts.
and social and economic wellbeing as
a whole. The premier medical services
Annual Report 2021 21