Page 22 - Annual Report 2021
P. 22
Overview Leadership Message Business Segment Moving Forward Our Resources Working for a Corporate Financial
Review Plan Better Tomorrow Governance Statements
CHaIrman’S mESSaGE
Healthcare The Group has also We will also look at opportunities to
We plan to construct a new purpose- proposed to create develop properties that will benefit
built hospital to support UMSC’s the UM Heritage Fund our stakeholders. This includes the
vision of becoming a foremost proposed construction of UMSC’s
Quaternary medical centre that to ensure continuity new purpose-built hospital and the
leverages effectively on the expertise and sustainability construction of modern residence halls
of the Faculty of Medicine. Formerly of income streams that can be rented out to meet demand
focusing on a single research for UM. The fund for affordable student housing within
and commercialisation effort that will be initiated by the UM ecosystem.
generated a revenue of RM8.2m in
2021, UM Pharmauji will focus on allocating a certain intellectual capital
commercialising UM’s pharmaceutical percentage of profit To drive the commercialisation of
and biosimilar products innovation and after tax (PAT) to its
medical devices, in line with our goal coffers and managed UM’s intellectual assets, we will focus
of monetising and creating value from on nurturing the existing pods and
UM’s intellectual capital and R&D. professionally by the spin-off companies to spur their
selected individuals growth and optimise future value.
Education of the highest calibre Key strategies include inculcating an
In the higher education segment, and integrity. entrepreneurial mindset, supporting
IUMW will continue to leverage on the their funding, and facilitating market
extensive human capital and expertise access by developing a digital
of UM as a market differentiator. marketplace platform to bring their
Plans for growth include expanding products to the marketplace. We also
into the market for post-graduate plan to launch a consulting business
and executive programmes in order that can draw on UM’s faculty and
to tap growing demand, including intellectual capital to scale up projects
from part-time students and working and provide bespoke consulting
professionals. IUMW is also exploring services to both the private and public
the potential of providing training sector.
and certification programmes
that align with micro-credentialing uM Heritage Fund
and badging trends. There are The Group has also proposed to
also plans to extend the IUMW create the UM Heritage Fund to
education ecosystem by ensure continuity and sustainability
establishing primary and
secondary private international of income streams for UM. The fund
will be initiated by allocating a certain
schools that can eventually act
as feeders for IUMW itself. percentage of profit after tax (PAT) to
its coffers and managed professionally
Properties & Plantations by selected individuals of the highest
In the Plantations segment, we aim to calibre and integrity.
expand the plantation landbank and
diversify from mono-crops into multi- Ultimately, the purpose and goal of
crops with a continuous harvesting the UMH Group is to establish viable
cycle while improving soil quality for and lasting businesses and income
environmental protection. streams for UM.
22 UM Holdings Group