Page 72 - Annual Report 2021
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Overview Leadership Message Business Segment Moving Forward Our Resources Working for a Corporate Financial
Review Plan Better Tomorrow Governance statements
Statements of Comprehensive Income
statEMEnts OF cOMPrEHEnsiVE incOME FOr tHE Financial YEar EnDED 31 DEcEMBEr 2021
the group the company
2021 2020 2021 2020
note rM rM rM rM
REVENUE 22 241,557,079 214,979,759 7,372,261 5,452,850
COST OF SALES (169,262,712) (155,170,686) - -
GROSS PROFIT 72,294,367 59,809,073 7,372,261 5,452,850
OTHER INCOME 2,704,382 4,290,964 859,359 2,579,513
74,998,749 64,100,037 8,231,620 8,032,363
SELLING AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (1,339,564) (1,522,843) - -
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (25,890,757) (37,069,617) (2,175,282) (2,417,814)
OTHER EXPENSES (21,459,433) (6,450,029) (373,665) (588,950)
FINANCE COSTS (1,275,632) (1,227,598) (547) (214)
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 23 25,033,363 17,829,950 5,682,126 5,025,385
INCOME TAX EXPENSE 24 (6,055,421) (5,505,485) 68,569 (102,488)
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION 18,977,942 12,324,465 5,750,695 4,922,897
PrOFit aFtEr taxatiOn
attriButaBlE tO:-
Owners of the Company 18,867,102 12,276,253 5,750,695- 4,922,897
Non-controlling interests 110,840 48,212 - -
18,977,942 12,324,465 5,750,695 4,922,897
The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
72 UM Holdings Group