Page 74 - Annual Report 2021
P. 74
Overview Leadership Message Business Segment Moving Forward Our Resources Working for a Corporate Financial
Review Plan Better Tomorrow Governance statements
statEMEnts OF cHangEs in EQuitY FOr tHE Financial YEar EnDED 31 DEcEMBEr 2021 (cOnt’D)
share retained total
capital Profits Equity
note rM rM rM
the company
Balance at 1.1.2020 39,860,002 1,659,063 41,519,065
Profit after taxation - 4,922,897 4,922,897
Transaction with owners:
- Dividends 25 - (2,400,000) (2,400,000)
Balance at 31.12.2020/1.1.2021 39,860,002 4,181,960 44,041,962
Profit after taxation - 5,750,695 5,750,695
Transaction with owners:
- Dividends 25 - (7,930,000) (7,930,000)
Balance at 31.12.2021 39,860,002 2,002,655 41,862,657
The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
74 UM Holdings Group