Page 75 - Annual Report 2021
P. 75

Statements of Cash Flows

           statEMEnts OF casH FlOWs FOr tHE Financial YEar EnDED 31 DEcEMBEr 2021

                                                               the group                     the company
                                                          2021             2020          2021           2020
                                                     note     rM          rM              rM             rM
           Profit before taxation                     25,033,363      17,829,950       5,682,126      5,025,385

           Adjustments for:-
           Depreciation of plant and equipment          3,110,978      3,029,503          11,382          4,585
           Dividend income                                                    -      (7,344,000)     (5,366,000)
           Impairment losses:
           - amount owing by related parties                   -        496,930               -         496,930
           - investment in associate                           -          90,715              -              -
           - other receivables                                 -         246,136              -              -
           - trade receivables                            210,196       1,317,820             -              -
           Inventories written off                        42,515          67,368              -              -
           Bad debts recovered                            (8,974)       (24,564)              -              -
           Distribution reinvested                       (18,447)        (22,159)             -              -
           Distribution income                          (813,991)      (392,972)        (87,914)      (104,236)
           Gain on disposal of a subsidiary                                   -               -              -
           Loss on disposal of equipment                   31,794           359               -              -
           Interest income                              (180,682)        (4,798)      (273,729)       (588,468)
           Plant and equipment written off                               70,043               -              -
           Reversal of impairment losses:
           - other receivables                         (496,930)        (293,173)             -              -
           - trade receivables                                 -       (389,905)              -              -
           - related parties                                   -              -       (496,930)              -

           Operating profit/(loss) before
              working capital changes                  26,909,822     22,021,253     (2,509,065)      (531,804)
           Decrease in inventories                      (243,170)     (1,396,439)             -              -
           Decrease in work-in-progress                   20,458              -          20,458              -
           Decrease in trade and other receivables           (11,461)     (3,197,177)     (1,851,000)     (286,827)
           Increase/(Decrease) in trade and
              other payables                           10,349,153       (463,138)     5,577,398        2,013,847
           (Decrease)/Increase in amount
              owing to related parties                (1,465,546)       639,896       (249,927)        (497,941)

           CASH FROM OPERATIONS                       35,559,256      17,604,395        987,864         697,275
           Dividend received                                   -              -       7,344,000       5,366,000
           Income tax paid                            (5,246,427)     (4,334,861)             -        (56,002)
           Income tax refunded                              7,314             -           5,109              -

           NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES          30,320,143     13,269,534      8,336,973       6,007,273

           The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

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