Page 73 - Annual Report 2021
P. 73

Statements of Changes in Equity

           statEMEnts OF cHangEs in EQuitY FOr tHE Financial YEar EnDED 31 DEcEMBEr 2021

                                                                losses)/   attributable to    non-
                                                    share       retained    Owners of the   controlling    total
                                                    capital      Profits    company      interests    Equity
                                           note      rM           rM           rM          rM           rM
           the group

           Balance at 1.1.2020                   39,860,002   (16,824,223)   23,035,779      (1,141,132)    21,894,647

           Profit after taxation                          -       12,276,253     12,276,253   48,212    12,324,465

           Transaction with owners:
              - Dividends                  25             -    (2,400,000)    (2,400,000)      -   (2,400,000)

           Balance at 31.12.2020/1.1.2021        39,860,002     (6,947,970)    32,912,032     (1,092,920)       31,819,112

           Profit after taxation                          -        18,867,102      18,867,102          110,840    18,977,942

           Transaction with owners:
              - Dividends                    25           -    (7,930,000)   (7,930,000)       -   (7,930,000)

           Balance at 31.12.2021                 39,860,002         3,989,132    43,849,134    (982,080)    42,867,054

           The annexed notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

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