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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               chemistry and chemical equilibrium. Introduction to major  carbon  electrodes.  Stripping  analysis-anodic  stripping
               analytical techniques for environmental analysis, including  voltammetry,  trace  analysis.  Coulometric  analysis,
               spectroscopic  and  chromatographic  methods.  Data  constant   potential   coulometry,   constant   current
               treatment. Quality control and quality assurance.  coulometry, applications and advantages.
               Environmental Management                       Automation
               Conflicts   between   development   and   environment.  Principles  of  automation,  instrumental  analysis,  process
               Sustainable development.                       control,   automatic   instruments,   auto-analyser,
               Environmental   Quality   Act   (1974).   Environmental  microprocessor-controlled  instruments,  computers  in
               management   strategies.   Environmental   Impact  analytical laboratories.
               Assessment (EIA). Pollution control.
               Green  Chemistry  for  a  sustainable  future.  Industrial  Assessment Methods:
               ecology for hazardous waste minimization, utilization and  Practical:  30%
               treatment.                                     Continuous assessment:  20%
                                                              Final examination:   50%
               Assessment Methods:
               Practical:            30%                      Medium of instruction:
               Continuous assessment:  20%                    English
               Final examination:    50%
               Medium of instruction:                         Soft skills:
               English                                        CT1-3, CS1-3, LL1-2
               Soft skills:                                   References:
               CS1-3, CT1-3, TS1-2                            1.C. D. Harris, Exploring Chemical Analysis, 4 ed., W.H.
                                                               Freeman Publ, 2008.
                                                              2.G.  D.  Christian,  Analytical  Chemistry,  7 th  ed.,  John
               References:                                     Wiley & Sons, 2014.
               1.R. W. Hester (Ed.), Understanding Our Environment, 2 nd  3.D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler & S. R. Crouch, Principles of
                 ed., RSC, 2008.                               Instrumental  Analysis,  6 th  ed.,  Thomson  Brooks/Cole,
               2.R.  M.  Harrison  (Ed.),  Pollution,  Cause  and  Control,  3 rd  2007.
                 ed., RSC, 1996.                              4.D. Harvey,  Modern  Analytical  Chemistry,  McGraw  Hill
               3.R.  N.  Reeve,  Environmental  Analysis,  ACOL,  John  Publ, 2000.
                 Wiley, 1999.                                 5.D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler & S. R. Crouch,
               4.S.  E.  Manahan,  Fundamental  of  Environmental  Fundamentals  of  Analytical  Chemistry,  9 th  ed.,
                 Chemistry, 2 ed., Lewis Publishers, 2000.     Brooks/Cole Publ, 2014.
               5.G. W. VanLoon & S .J. Duffy, Environmental Chemistry:
                 A  Global  perspective,  3 rd  ed.,  Oxford  University  Press,
                 2010.                                        SIC3007 ELECTROSYNTHESIS
               6.G.  Schwedt,  The  Essential  Guide  to  Environmental
                 Chemistry, Wiley, 2001.                      Electrosynthesis  in  industry  focus  on  the  synthesis  of
               7.C. Baird, & M. Cann, Environmental Chemistry, 5 ed.,  organic  and  inorganic  chemicals;  aluminium  extraction,
                 Freeman 2012.                                chloro-alkali  process  and  sodium  hydroxide.  Laboratory
                                                              techniques   related   to    electrochemistry;
                                                              electropolymerisation,   electrochemical   impedance
               SIC3006 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II                spectroscopy,   electrocatalysis,   electroanalytical   and
                                                              instrumentation,  quantities and  qualitative  data  analysis
               Trace analysis                                 from various techniques. The analysis method enables the
               Introduction; techniques and limitations, considerations in  determination of redox potential in any compound.  Cyclic
               implementation of trace analysis               voltammetry  method  in  diagnosis  mechanism  will  be
                                                              introduced  such  as  E,  EC,  CE  or  ECE  reactions
               Sample decomposition                           mechanism.
               Steps  in  total  analysis;  dry,  wet  and  microwave  sample
               digestion; appropriate considerations for decomposition of  Assessment Methods:
               real samples.                                  Continuous assessment:  30%
                                                              Final examination:   70%
               Atomic  absorption  spectroscopy,  atomization  techniques  Medium of instruction:
               including  flame  atomization,  electrochemical  atomization,  English
               hydride technique, cold vapour technique.
               Atomic  emission  spectroscopy:  arc-spark  and  plasma  Soft skills:
               AES, ICP-AES, atomic fluorescence spectroscopy.  CT1-3
               Separation Methods                             References:
               Advanced aspects on theory and process of separation in  1.C.  M.  A.  Brett  and  A.  M.  O.  Brett,  Electrochemistry
               GC and HPLC, van Deemter equation, general resolution  Principles, Methods and Applications, Oxford Uni. Press
               equation  and  HETP,  types  and  selection  of  stationary  Inc., 1993.
               phases in GC, capillary GC, reversed phase HPLC, effects  2.P.  T.  Kissinger  and  W.  R.  Heinemmen,  Laboratory
               of mobile phases in HPLC separations, instrumentation in  Techniques  in  Electroanalytical  Chemistry,  Marcel
               GC  and  HPLC,  detectors  in  GC  and  HPLC,  hyphenated  Dekker Inc., 1984.
               techniques: GC-MS and LC-MS.                   3.D. Pletcher and F.C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry,
                                                               Blackie Academic and Professional, 1993.
               Electroanalytical Techniques                   4.D.  B.  Hibbert,  Introduction  to  Electrochemistry,
               Pulse  techniques  in  polarography,  voltammetry  using  MacMillan Press Ltd., 1993.
               hanging  mercury  drop  electrode  (HMDE),  platinum  and

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