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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

               5.K.  B.  Oldham,  J.  C.  Myland,  A.  M.  Bond,  SIC3010 ORGANIC SYNTHESIS
                 Electrochemical   Science   and   Technology:
                 Fundamentals  and  Applications,  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Retrosynthetic  analysis  and  synthesis  design.  Selectivity
                 Ltd, 2011.                                   in  synthesis:  chemo-,  regio-,  and  stereoselectivity.
                                                              Synthesis  of  acyclic  and  cyclic  compounds.    Concept  of
                                                              umpolung;  functional  group  interconversion.  Use  of
               SIC3008 BIOSYNTHESIS                           organometallic  reagents  in  syntheses.  Asymmetric
                                                              synthesis;  selected  examples  from  classical  and
               Biochemical  constraints  and  investigation  techniques:  contemporary syntheses.
               biosynthetic  reagents,  enzymes, biochemical  assays  and
               application  of  isotopic  labelling  (esp.  in  conjunction  with  Assessment Methods:
               13C NMR) in the study of biosynthetic processes.  Continuous assessment:  30%
                                                              Final examination:   70%
               Biosynthesis  of  selected  natural  products:  polyketides,
               fatty  acids,  prostanoids,  aromatic compounds  (e.g.  Medium of instruction:
               Shikimic   acid),   macrocyclic   antibiotics,   terpenes,  English
               terpenoids,  and  natural  rubber;  biosynthetic  pathways,
               reaction  types,  and  mechanistic  aspects  (esp.  enolate-  Soft skills:
               carbonyl reactions and biochemical cascades).  CT1-3
               Assessment Methods:                            References:
               Continuous assessment:  30%                    1.Stuart  Warren,  Organic  Synthesis:  The  Disconnection
               Final examination:    70%                       Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, New York,
                                                               Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1982.
               Medium of instruction:                         2.F. A.  Carey  and  R. J.  Sundberg,  Advanced  Organic
               English                                         Chemistry,  Part  B:  Reactions  and  Synthesis,  4 th  ed.,
                                                               Plenum Press, New York & London, 2002.
               Soft skills:                                   3.M. B.  Smith,  Organic  Synthesis,  2 nd  ed.,  McGraw  Hill
               CT1-3                                           Inc, 2001.
                                                              4.M. B.  Smith  and  J.  March,  March's  Advanced  Organic
               References:                                     Chemistry:  Reactions,  Mechanisms,  and  Structure
               1.H.  S.  Stoker,  General,  Organic  and  Biological  (March's  Advanced  Organic  Chemistry),  5 ed., Wiley-
                 Chemistry, 5 ed., Brooks/Cole, 2010.          Interscience; 2001.
               2.D.  Voet,  and  J.  G.  Voet,  Biochemistry.  3 rd  ed., Wiley,  5.W.  A.  Smit,  A. F.  Bochkov  and  R.  Caple,  Organic
                 2004.                                         Synthesis: The Science Behind the Art, RSC, 1998.
               3.Bu’Lock  and  B.  G.  Kurt  Kimia  Hasil  Semulajadi,  DBP,
                 Kuala Lumpur.
               4.J.  Mann,  Secondary  Metabolism,  2 nd  ed.,  Oxford  SIC3011 MECHANISTIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
                 University Press, 1987.
               5.J. Mann,  Chemical  Aspects  of  Biosynthesis,  Oxford  Reactive  intermediates  in  organic  chemistry  including
                 University Press, 1994.                      carbocations,  free  radicals,  carbenes,  nitrenes,  and
                                                              radical-ions.  Chemistry  of  free  radicals:  reactions  and
                                                              mechanisms  of  free  radicals  including  abstraction,
               SIC3009 NATURALPRODUCTS CHEMISTRY              addition,  rearrangement,  cyclization  and  fragmentation;
                                                              applications  of  radical  reactions  in  organic  synthesis;
               The influence of biosynthetic hypotheses and insights on  reactions  of  carbenes,  carbenoids,  nitrenes,  and  ion-
               the syntheses of steroids. Investigation of selected natural  radicals, and applications in synthesis. Formation, stability,
               products  such  as  alkaloids,  terpenoids,  flavonoids,  and rearrangements of carbocations; tandem and cascade
               lignans, glycosides. Semiochemistry. Separation methods  cyclizations.  Mechanistic  details  of  selected  classes  of
               for  natural  product  isolation.  Spectroscopic  methods  for  organic  reactions  such  as  nucleophilic  substitution,
               structural elucidation of natural products.    hydrolysis,   polar   rearrangements,   electron-transfer
                                                              reactions,  photochemical  reactions.  Pericyclic  reactions:
               Assessment Methods:                            molecular  orbitals;  conservation  of  orbital  symmetry  in
               Continuous assessment:  30%                    concerted reactions; theory (frontier orbital method, use of
               Final examination:    70%                      correlation  diagrams,  aromatic  transition  state  approach)
                                                              and  applications  of  electrocyclic  reactions,  sigmatropic
               Medium of instruction:                         rearrangements, and cycloadditions, including tandem and
               English                                        cascade processes, in organic synthesis.
               Soft skills:                                   Assessment Methods:
               CT1-3                                          Continuous assessment:  30%
                                                              Final examination:   70%
               1.J. Mann,  Secondary  Metabolism, Clarendon  Press:  Medium of instruction:
                 Oxford, 1995.                                English
               2.P.  M.  Dewick,  Medicinal  Natural  Products  - A
                 Biosynthetic Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.  Soft skills:
               3.E.Fattorusso,  O.  Taglialatela-Scafati,  Eds  Modern  CT1-3
                 Alkaloids - Structure,  Isolation,  Synthesis  and  Biology;
                 Wiley-VCH, 2008.                             References:
               4.J.  H.  Simpson,  Organic  Structure Determination  Using  1. R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, The Conservation of
                 2-D  NMR  Spectroscopy - A  Problem-Based  Approach,  Orbital Symmetry, Academic Press Inc, 1970.
                 Academic Press, 2008.                        2. J.  Clayden,  N.  Greeves,  S.  Warren,  P.  Wothers,
               5.S.  Stefan  Berger,  D.  Sicker,  Classics  in  Spectroscopy,  Organic Chemistry, Oxford.
                 Wiley-VCH, 2009.

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