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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                            DEPARTMENT OF                      Department’s academic programmes. The department is
                     SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                    also  supported  by  a  team  of  non-academic  staff
                                                               HEAD OF DEPARTMENT:
                                                               Dr. Che Wan Jasimah Wan Mohamed Radzi
                  In  the  beginning  the  Department  was  known  as  the
                  History  and  Philosophy  of  Science  Unit  and  its  BSc (Hons)(UKM), MSc,PhD (Mal)
                                                               (Research field: History and Philosophy of Science; Food
                  administration  was  under  the  purview  of  the  Dean’s  Science  Policy;  S&T  and  Religion,  Food  Security  &
                  Office  of  the  Faculty  of  Science.  The  History  and  Safety)
                  Philosophy  of  Science  Course  was  introduced  as  a
                  compulsory  component  of  the  B.Sc.  and  B.Sc.  Ed.
                  Degrees  for  the  term  1975/76  and  it  was  offered  EMERITUS PROFESSOR:
                  throughout  the  four  years  of  the  undergraduate  Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar
                  curriculum.                                  BSc (Hons), MSc(Lond), MA, PhD(Temple)
                                                               (Research Field: History of Science; Islamic Philosophy
                  The  Department  of  Science  and  Technology  Studies  of  Science;  Religion  and  Science;  Critique  of  Modern
                  began to offer its own full-fledged degree program upon  Science; Islamic Civilisation)
                  accreditation  and  approval  by the  University  Academic
                  Planning Committee and the Senate of the University of  ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR:
                                                               Dr. Siti Nurani Mohd Nor
                  Henceforth  the  department  began  to  offer  both  the  BSc (Hons),  MSc (Mal),  MSc.Soc(New  South  Wales),
                  Bachelor  of  Science  Degree  (Science  &  Technology  PhD(Mal)
                  Studies)  and  Master  of  Science  Degree  (Science,  (Research  field:  Bio-medical  Ethics;  Social  Study  of
                  Technology and Sustainability).              Science; Ethics and Policy of Sustainablility)
                  Science and  Technology  Studies Program was  offered
                  as  two  modules  (1)  History  and  Philosophy  of  Science  SENIOR LECTURERS:
                  and (2) Management and Policy S&T. The Management  Dr. Che Wan Jasimah Wan Mohamed Radzi
                  and Policy S&T module represents a pioneering program  BSc (Hons)(UKM), MSc,PhD(Mal)
                  both nationally and regionally and it basically fuses both  (Research field: History and Philosophy of Science; Food
                  the management discipline and policy studies in S&T.  Science  Policy;  S&T  and  Religion,  Food  Security  &
                  In  the  present  day  the  program  is  further  enhanced  by
                  the  introduction of  a  newly  reviewed  curriculum  of  the  Dr. Ng Boon Kwee
                  Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology Studies  BSc (Hons(Mal)), MSc(Distinction), PhD(Mal)
                  where the students are exposed to an integrated study of  (Research  field:  Policy  and  Management  of  S&T;
                  the philosophical aspects of S&T and Management and  Innovation Management)
                  Policy  Studies  in  S&T.  The  new  curriculum  was
                  developed  in   reflection   of   current   and   latest  Dr. Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad
                  advancements  in  S&T  as  well  as  the  management  of  BSc(Hons)(Mal), MSc(Lund), MSc(Sussex),
                  research  and  development  of  S&T  that  draws  upon  PhD(Sussex)
                  global awareness of the Sustainability of the Society and  (Research  field:  Policy  and  Management  of  S&T;
                  the  Community.  To  add  dynamism  and  rigor  to  the  Innovation  System;  Environmental  Management  and
                  program,  guest  lecturers  from  government  and  private  Policy, Sustainability Science)
                  sectors as well as various relevant industries with expert
                  knowledge in their fields of specialization will periodically  Dr. Wong Chan Yuan
                  join the teaching staff.                     B.Eng(Hons)(Deakin), MSc(MUST), PhD(Mal)
                                                               (Research  field:  Policy  and  Management  of  S&T;
                  Among the main objectives of Science and Technology  Scientometrics)
                  Studies  is  to  help expand  and  enhance  the  mobility  of
                  the intellect of science students. By offering courses that  Dr. Mohd Zufri Mamat
                  include  the  dimensions  of  history,  philosophy,  social  BSc(Hons)(Mal), MSc, PhD(Mal)
                  science and policy as well as science courses in biology,  (Research  field:  History  and  Philosophy  of  Science;
                  chemistry, physics,  geology  and  mathematics,  students  Sustainability; S&T and Modernisation)
                  will  be  able  to  attain  soft  skill,  such  as  critical  thinking
                  and  life-long  learning.  Such  skills  and  the  mastery  of  Dr. Suzana Ariff Azizan
                  reflective  knowledge  in  S&T  Studies  would  prepare  the  BSc (Hons)(Mal), MSc(Mal), PhD(Wollongong)
                  student the necessary character-building as well as the  (Research field: Policy and Management of S&T; R & D
                  intellectual  and  mental  energy  to  assist  the  nation  to  Management, women in S&T)
                  formulate  and  enact  effective  policies  related  to  the
                  development of science and technology.       Dr. Maisarah Hasbullah
                                                               BSc (Hons)(Mal), MSc(Mal), PhD(Mal)
                               ACADEMIC STAFF                  (Research  field:  History  and  Philosophy  of  Science;
                                                               Science and Religion, Science and Culture)
                  The  department  is  managed  by  a  Head  of  Department
                  and supported by academic staff consisting of Emeritus  Dr. Noor Munirah Isa
                  Professor, Associate Professors, and senior lecturers. In  BA (Hons)(Mal), PhD (Mal)
                  addition, associate staff from other faculties assists in the

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