Page 213 - handbook 20162017
P. 213

Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                  2.  Norman, V. and Kraft, M (2012) Environmental  SIS3002  Knowledge and Human Capital in
                      Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century,  Science
                      8th Ed. CQ Press
                  3.  Rosenbaum, W. (2013) Environmental Politics and  The availability of talented people in science, technology
                      Policy, 9th Edition. CQ Press            and innovation (STI) is widely accepted as one of the key
                                                               drivers  in  fostering  a  sustainable  and  vibrant  economy
                                                               and society. Without sufficient talent pool there will be no
                  SIS2007 Managing New Technologies            STI  base  to  create  and  transform  ideas  into  products,
                                                               processes  and  solutions  that  leverage  the  competitive
                  This  course  is  designed to  provide  student  with  advantages of the country. Based on this viewpoint, this
                  knowledge  on  the  nature  of  new  technologies  and  the  course  aims  to  discuss  the  importance  of  knowledge
                  importance  of  technology  management.  Student  will  be  management and human capital development in national
                  exposed  to  various  strategies  in  new  technologies  STI development. Students will be exposed to key issues
                  management   including   intellectual   property  pertaining  to  human  capital  development  such  as  brain
                  management,  collaborative  strategies  and  project  drain,  skills  mismatch  and  perception  on  unattractive
                  management.  Besides,  student  will  study  the  various  career  in  STI  profession.  The  students  will  also  debate
                  sources  of  technological  capabilities  development  and  on  the  current  national  strategies  in  knowledge
                  how  to  plan  a  science  and  technology  project  in  an  management and talent development in STI.
                                                               Assessment Methods:
                  Assessment Methods:                          Continuous Assessment:  40%
                  Continuous Assessment:  60%                  Final Exam:          60%
                  Final Exam:           40%
                                                               Medium of Language
                  Medium of Language                           English/Malay
                                                               Soft Skill
                  Soft Skill                                   CS3,CT2,LL1
                  References                                   1.  Malaysia (2002), Knowledge-Based Economy
                  1.  Dolfsma, W. and Seo D. (2013) Government policy  Master Plan, Malaysia: ISIS.
                      and   technological   innovation—a   suggested  2.  Thiruchelvam, K. et al. (2013) Malaysia’s Quest for
                      typology, Technovation 33,173–179           Innovation: Progress and Lessons Learned, Kuala
                  2.  Salerno,  M.  S.,  Gomes,  L.A.V.  et  al.  (2015),  Lumpur: SIRD.
                      Innovation  processes:  Which  process  for  which  3.  Burud, Sandra, Tumolo, Marie, (2004), Leveraging
                      project?, Technovation, 35, 59–70           the New Human Capital: Adaptive Strategies,
                  3.  Chang Y. and Yen, H.R. (2012),Introduction to the  Results Achieved and Stories of Transformation,
                      special  cluster  on  managing  technology–service  Davies-Black.
                      fusion innovation, Technovation 32, 415–418
                                                               SIS3003 Policy and Management of Science and
                  SIS3001 Professional Ethics in Science              Technology
                  This  course  is  designed to  expose  to  the  student  the  Science, technology and innovation (STI) are important
                  importance  of  ethics  in  the  scientist  profession  and  driving forces in economic and social change. Success
                  scientific research. Selected cases of professional ethics  in STI is not automatic. Continuous efforts are required
                  in  science,  as  well  as  the  relevant  principles  and  to attain fluency in STI. Such proficiency is aided by a
                  standards of ethics in science will be discussed.  national system of innovation that emphasises, among
                                                               others,  on  learning,  development  of  linkages  and
                  Assessment Methods:                          capabilities,   and   fostering   of   enterprises   and
                  Continuous Assessment:  40%                  entrepreneurship.  The  course  will  provide  an  overview
                  Final Exam:           60%                    of  these  themes  including  an  examination  of  STI
                                                               policies of selected countries as well as the importance
                  Medium of Language                           of promoting innovation. Case studies will be presented
                  English/Malay                                to highlight some of these themes.
                  Soft Skill
                  CS3,CT1, TS4, LS1,EM2                        Assessment Methods:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:  40%
                  References                                   Final Exam:          60%
                  1.  Committee on Science, Engineering and Public
                      Policy. (1995). On being a scientist: Responsible  Medium of Language
                      conduct in research. Washington D. C: National  English/Malay
                      Academic Press.                          Soft Skill
                  2.  D'Angelo, J. (2012). Ethics in science: Ethical  CT2,LL1
                      misconduct in scientific research. CRC Press.
                  3.  Oliver, P. (2003). The student's guide to research  References
                      ethics. Philadelphia, PA : Open University Press.  1. Thiruchelvam,  K.,  Chandran,  VGR.,  Ng,  B.K.  &
                                                                 Wong, C.Y. (2013), Malaysia’s Quest for Innovation,
                                                                 Petaling Jaya: SIRD.
                                                               2. Thiruchelvam,  K.,  Chandran,  VGR.,  et  al.  (2012),

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