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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                  3.  Michael  B.  Paulsen  (2015). Higher  Education:
                      Handbook of Theory and Research. (ed. Michael B.  SIS2005  Science  and  Technology  Studies Field
                      Paulsen). Springer.                            Study

                                                               This course aims to provide opportunities for students to
                  SIS2003 Science, Technology and Religion     explore  and  apply  classroom  knowledge  and  materials
                                                               within  a  given  field  experience  that  relates  to  Science
                  This  course  is  designed  to  explain  the  separation  and   Technology   Studies,   namely   policy   and
                  between  science,  technology  and  religion,  how  management, professional and ethics, sustainability, and
                  secularism  that  sparked  drive  industrial  revolution  and  philosophy  of  science.  Students  will  be  divided  into
                  modernism.  Today  scenario  in  development  of  science  groups and attached to a community/organisation which
                  shows that the dominant world-view need to be fill with  is determined by the course coordinator. Each group of
                  value  and  meaning  of  life.  The  application of  universal  students  is  required  to  find  solutions  to  a  real  problem
                  value of religion in life will be explained with the definition  given in the respective community/ organisation. For this
                  of religion, the philosophy of science, technology and it’s  purpose,  each  group  will  organise  field  trips  to  the
                  limitation.                                  community/organisation  in  order  to  conduct  further
                                                               observations to the problem, formulate inquiries, design
                  Assessment Methods:                          appropriate  research  approach,  data  collection  and
                  Continuous Assessment:  40%                  analysing, and draw conclusion that address the original
                  Final Exam:           60%                    problem.  At  the  end  of  the  course,  all  groups  are
                                                               required to present their work to the representative from
                  Medium of Language                           the community/organisation and the course coordinator.
                  Soft Skill                                   Assessment Methods:
                  CS3,TS2,LS1,EM1                              Continuous Assessment:    100%
                  References                                   Medium of Language
                  1)  Nidhal Guessoum (2012). Islam’s Quantum  English
                      Question: Reconciling Muslim Tradition and Modern
                      Science. New York I.B. Tauris.           Soft Skill
                  2)  Osman Bakar (2014). Islamic Civilisation and  CS2,CT2,TS1,LL2
                      Modern World: Thematic Essays. Brunei    References
                      Darussalam: UBD Press.                   1.  Baird, B.N. (2013). The internship, practicum, and
                  3)  Sh. Mohd Saifuddeen Sh. Mohd Salleh. (2012)  field placement handbook: a guide for the helping
                      Tipologi Interaksi Antara Agama dan Sains: Satu  professions (7th edn.). NJ: Pearson Education.
                      Penilaian dan Cadangan Menurut Perspektif Islami.  2.  Yin, R. K. (2013). Case Study Research: Design
                      Universiti Malaya: Kuala Lumpur             And Methods, New York: Sage Publication.
                                                               3.  Royse, D., Dhooper., S.S., & Rompf, E.L. (2011).
                                                                  Field Instruction: A Guide for Social Work
                  SIS2004   Science Communication and Society     Students (6 edn.). N.Y: Pearson.
                  This   course   introduces   the  field   of   science
                  communication  which  is  important  to  the  scientific  SIS2006 Environmental and Sustainability Policy
                  community  and  the  public.  It  describes  the  role  of  the
                  media,  especially  television,  newspapers,  magazines  Sustainable Development is an important policy concept
                  and novels and science fiction films to raise awareness,  in  the  21 st  century,  influencing  policy  development  to
                  attitudes,  better  understanding,  improving  science  incorporate  the  long-term  balance  between  economic
                  literacy and further promote scientific culture in society.  growth, social welfare and environmental protection. This
                  In addition, this course describes the approaches used to  is  a  new  challenge  to  technocrats  (including  scientists
                  convey information about science to society.  and technologists), managers and policy makers who are
                                                               involved  in  the  problematisation  and  development  of
                  Assessment Methods:                          environmental  policies.  This  course  will  provide  basic
                  Continuous Assessment:  40%                  exposure on how environmental policy can be developed
                  Final Exam:           60%                    in a more holistic manner, by systematically incorporating
                  Medium of Language                           the perspective of sustainability in decision making.
                                                               Assessment Methods:
                  Soft Skill                                   Continuous Assessment:  60%
                  CS1,CT3,TS1,EM2                              Final Exam:          40%
                  References                                   Medium of Language
                  1.  Allan,  S. (2002). Media,  Risk  and  Science.  United  English
                      Kingdom :Open University Press.
                  2.  Cheng, D. et al. (2008). Communicating Science in  Soft Skill
                      Social  Contexts:  New  Models,  New  Practices.  CS3,CT5,TS1,EM1
                      Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands.        References
                  3.  Bauer,  M.  W.,  &  Bucchi,  M.  (2007). Journalism,  1.  Dovers, S. (2005) Environment and Sustainability
                      science  and  society:  Science  communication  Policy. The Federation Press
                      between  news  and  public  relations.  New  York:

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