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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017

                  (Research field: Bioethics; Religious Ethics; Religion and  Techno-preneur Studies in S&T
                  Sustainability)                              Science and Law

                  Dr. Mohd. Salim Mohamed                      CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                  BSc(Hons)(IIU),  MSc(Mal)PhD (Mal)
                  (Research  Field:  Applied  Ethics;  Bio-medical  Ethics;  Archive Officer
                  Bioethics; Religious Ethics)                 Science Officer
                                                               Diplomat and administrative officer
                                                               Administrative Officer of S&T
                  Dr. Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi             Consultant of S&T
                  BSc, MSc (Ferdowsi), PhD (Mal)               Legislator of S&T Policy
                  (Research Field: Science and Technology Management,  Manager of R&D
                  Applied Statistics, Airline Industry, Technology  Manager of S&T
                  Management Modelling)                        Managing Information Technology
                  Dr. Mohd Istajib Mokhtar                     Researcher
                  BSy (Law), MSy, PhD (Mal)                    S&T Advisor
                  (Research  Field:  Comparative  Environmental  Law,  S&T Journalist
                  Ethico-legal   and   Sustainability,   Religion   and  Teacher
                                                                           COURSE SYNOPSIS
                  FELLOW SLAB/SLAI:
                                                               SIX1001 Introduction to Science and Technology
                  Afiza Akashah John                           Studies
                                                               This course is designed to introduce the students variety
                  Ezwan Arman Noor Kamar                       of aspect in S&T studies - history, philosophy, sociology,
                  Dip. Occupational Therapy (UiTM), BSc.(Hons)(Mal).
                  MSc(Mal)                                     management, policy and economy; case studies in S&T.
                                                               Students  will  analyze  issues  in  S&T  by  using  S&T
                  Mohd Khairul Anam Che Mentri                 framework – epistemology,  ethics,  environment,  and
                  BA(Hons) (Mal), MSc(Mal)                     entrepreneurship;  apply  variety  of  disciplines  from  S&T
                                                               studies  to  create  local  contextual  understanding  and  to
                  Nor Aishah Abdullah                          apply  sustainable  S&T  intellectually  and  material.  The
                  BSc(Mal), MSc(Mal)                           elements of this course include 1) history of development
                                                               of  S&T  in  society;  2)  critical  analysis  in  science  and
                  Nurulaini Abu Shamsi                         technology response; 3) effect of S&T in life; 4) initiative
                  BHSc(Hons)(Adelaide), MSc(Mal)               in  sustainable  S&T;  and  5)  future  development  of
                                                               alternative  S&T  system,  vis-à-vis  dominant  S&T
                  DEGREE LEVELS OFFERED                        paradigm.
                  By Course Work:                              Assessment Methods:
                  BSc. in Science and Technology Studies       Continuous Assessment:  40%
                  MSc. (Science, Technology and Sustainability)  Final Exam:        60%
                  By Research:                                 Medium of Language
                  M.Sc                                         English
                                                               Soft Skill
                  RECENT RESEARCH TOPICS
                  Bioethics                                    1.  Asrar, G.R. (2013). Climate Science for Serving
                  Biotechnology & Society                         Society (electronic resource): Research, Modeling
                  Colonial Science/ Ethnic Science                and Prediction Priorities. Dordrecht: Springer
                  Environmental Ethics and Environmental Development  Netherlands.
                  Environmental Philosophy                     2.  Evangelos, K. (Ed.). (2013). Advances in Network
                  Food and Dietary Studies in Islam & Science     Analysis and its Applications Berlin, Heidelberg:
                  Food Security and Safety                        Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
                  Gender and Science                           3.  Sismondo, S. (2004). An Introduction to Science
                  History and Philosophy of Islamic Science       and Technology Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell
                  History and Philosophy of Medicine/Alternative Medicine
                  History and Philosophy of Science               Pub.
                  Innovation system Studies
                  Journalism in S&T                            SIX1002 Ethics and Safety
                  Media and communication scientific
                  Management of Information Technology
                  Modern Science and Religion                  This  course  is  designed  to  expose  to  the  student  the
                  Studies in Logic & Critical Thinking         importance  of  ethics  and  safety  that  arises  within  the
                  S&T Ethics                                   scientific profession and scientific research. Real cases
                  Science, technology & innovation management  of  scientific  ethical misconduct,  as  well  as  the  relevant
                  S&T and the Media                            principles  and  standards  of  ethics  in  science  will  be
                  Science, technology & innovation policy      discussed.    The  importance  of  lab  safety  and
                  S&T Psychology and Sociology                 accreditation will also be explored.
                  Sustainable Development

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