Page 214 - handbook 20162017
P. 214
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2016/2017
Innovation Financing Schemes of Malaysia, In 2. Davis, Martha, Davis, Kaaron J., Dunagan, Marion
Intarakumnerd P. And Wonglimpiyarat, J. (Ed). M. (2012). Scientific papers and presentations (3 rd
Towards Effective Policies for Innovation Financing Ed). UK: Elsevier Inc.
in Asia, Bangkok: Thammasat Printing House 3. Day, Robert A & Gastel, Barbara. (2006). How to
3. Caraca, J., Lundvall, B. and Mendonca (2009), The write and publish a scientific paper. (5 th Ed).
changing role of science in the innovation process: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
From Queen to Cinderella?, Technological
Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 861–867
SIS3006 Research Project
SIS3004 Technology Entrepreneurship In this course, students will conduct research related to
one of the areas selected by the student, whether
This course provides fundamentals of technopreneurship epistemological, environment, ethics or science and
to science students. The course comprises two parts: (a) technology policy. Research was conducted in two
Firstly, the students will be exposed to the theoretical semesters. Assessment for this course is based on the
foundation of technopreneurship such as high-tech presentation of the results of the study and the final
market and the technology entrepreneur, innovation report (thesis) prepared by the students.
strategies for new technology ventures, financing of
start-ups, exit strategies, etc. (b) Secondly, the students Assessment Methods:
will obtain basic knowledge in the preparation of Continuous Assessment: 100%
business plan based on a specific S&T product. Tutorials
will be organised to facilitate the learning on how to Medium of Language
construct a business plan. Students will be required to English/Malay
present their business plan at the end of the course. Soft Skill
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60% References
Final Exam: 40% 1. Marohaini Yusof. (2001). Penyelidikan kualitatif:
Pengalaman kerja lapangan. Kuala Lumpur:
Medium of Language Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
English/Malay 2. Jariah Mohd Jan. (2003). Garis panduan penulisan
Soft Skill laporan penyelidikan, disertasi dan tesis. Kuala
LS2,KK2 Lumpur: Institut Pengajian Siswazah, Universiti
References 3. Neuman, W.L. (2000). Social Research Methods:
1. Kuratko, D.F. (2013), Entrepreneurship: theory, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 4 th
process, practice (9 edn), Mason: South-Western. Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
2. Dorf, R.C. & Byers, T.H. (2014), Technology
Ventures: from idea to enterprise (4 edn.), New
York: McGraw-Hill. SIS3007 Industrial Training
3. Timmons, J.A. & Spinelli, S. (2011), New Venture
Creation: entrepreneurship for the 21st century (9 th Students will undergo industrial training at least 12
edn.), New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. weeks in the organization (ie private, public or NGO)
either in the country or abroad. The training content will
be determined by the respective employer with advice
SIS3005 Scientific Writing and Communication from the Department. During the training, students will be
exposed to the activities of organizations that are closely
This course focuses on academic writing and related to key elements of Science and Technology
presentation as means for science communication studies such as policy and management, sustainability,
especially among academic community. It explains ethics and philosophy of science. The main purpose of
techniques and styles in scientific writing especially in this industrial training is to enable students to use their
writing journal article. Issues in writing for example knowledge gained at university and integrate it with the
plagiarism is also discussed in this course. Apart from actual working environment. It also provides opportunity
that this course explains important steps in getting for students to acquire practical skills and experience
published in a refereed journal. It also sheds light on working on projects alongside industry expert. This
good ways to prepare and perform oral presentation. course also provides opportunities for students to identify
potential employers as well as have a better outlook on
Assessment Methods: career development in the field of science and
Continuous Assessment: 60% technology studies.
Final Exam: 40%
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Language Continuous Assessment: 100%
Soft Skill Medium of Language
References Soft Skill
1. Blackwell, J. & Martin, J. (2011). A scientific CS3,CT3,TS2,EM2,LL2
approach to scientific writing. New York: Springer
New York.