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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Medium of Instruction:                            3.  Journal of Industrial Ecology. Yale university.
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT4, TS3, LL2, EM2, LS2                     SIH 3015 BIOCLIMATIC CONCEPT AND
               Main References:
                1.  Agamuthu, P & Masaru Tanaka. 2014. Municipal  Part I - The development of energy sector in Malaysia.
                    Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific  Focusing on the current local scenarios including the
                    Islands: Challenges and Strategic Solutions.  policies, programmes & international involvements.
                    Springer Singapore                          Part II - Energy in built environment
                2.  Journal of Cleaner Production.              Highlight  the  building  comfort,  strategies  for  low  energy
            building  -  ‘bioclimatic   concepts’   and   the
                    production                                  assessment/evaluation approaches.
                3.  Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management.
            Assessment Methods:
                    rnal                                        Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:    60%
               SIH 3013 WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT         Medium of Instruction:
               Students  will  engage  with  the  comprehension  of  policies
               and legal aspects especially for the technical requirement  Soft Skills:
               which is stated in Environmental Quality Act, Water Act and  CT3, TS2, LL2
               Water  Services  Industrial  Act.  Technical  design  for  the
               planning  of  water  and  wastewater  management  for  Main References:
               domestic and industrial requirement is also being included  1.  Lechner, N. 2014. Heating, cooling, lighting:
               in this course.                                      Sustainable design methods for architects. New
                                                                    Jersey:  John Wiley & Sons.
               Assessment Methods:                               2.  Thuman, A., Niehus, T., Younger, W.J. 2013.
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                          Handbook of energy audits. US: The Fairmont
               Final Examination:    60%                            Press.
                                                                 3.  Sim Van der Ryn, Cowan, S. 2013. Ecological
               Medium of Instruction:                               design. Washington: Island Press.
               Soft Skills:                                     SIH 3016  ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT
               CS3, CT4, TS2
                                                                Risk assessment is a tool to make decision in  evaluating
               Main References:                                 risk  towards  health  and  safety  in  ecosystem  and  living
                1.  Water Act 1920                              environment.  Various  approach  will  be  introduced  in  this
                2.  Environmental Quality Act 1974              includes calculation method.
                3.  Water Quality Standard Malaysia
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIH 3014 INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY                      Continuous Assessment:  50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               Industrial  Ecology  is  both industrial  and  ecological.  It  is
               industrial  in  that  it  focuses  on  product  design  and  Medium of Instruction:
               manufacturing processes. Industrial is therefore viewed as  English
               the  primary  agent  for  environmental  management  and
               innovation,  as  it  possesses  the  technological  expertise,  Soft Skills:
               management capability and financial and other resources  CT4, EM2
               necessary for the successful execution of environmentally
               informed design of products and processes. Students will  Main References:
               be exposed with site visit to selected industrial zones for  1.  Hazel Kemshall and Jack Pritchard (1997). Good
               better understanding.                                Practice in Risk Assessment and Management.

               Assessment Methods:                               2.  Alghalith (2007). New Economic of Risk  and
               Continuous Assessment:  50%                          Uncertainty: Theory and Uncertainty.
               Final Examination:    50%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIH 3017  TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF
               English                                                  HAZARDOUS WASTES

               Soft Skills:                                     The technology and management of hazardous waste has
               CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2                               developed  rapidly  and  dynamically.  Technology  transfers
                                                                have made the compliance of the existing regulations and
               Main References:                                 environmental policy achievable. However it is very crucial
                1.  William McDonough (Author), Michael         in  managing  the  hazardous  waste,  one  possesses  an
                    Braungart (Author), Bill Clinton (Foreword). The  overview  of  the  field.  It  includes  identification,  handling,
                    Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability--Designing for  treatment  and  disposal  of  hazardous  waste  including  e-
                    Abundance 2013.                             waste.  This  course  is  intended  to  provide  sufficient
                                                                exposure to the varied and complex problems of hazardous
                2.  Margaret Robertson (2014). Sustainability Principles  waste, as well as, discussing the legislation, regulation, and
                    and Practice

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