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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Medium of Instruction:                           SIH 2010  LIMNOLOGY
                                                                Introduction to physical, chemical, and biological aspects of
               Soft Skills:                                     aquatic ecosystems. Origin of lakes and rivers formation.
               CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2                               Diversity, distribution, production, and community structure
                                                                of  biotic  components.  Case  studies  on  selected  rivers,
               References:                                      lakes, wetlands, or dams.
               1.   Waste Management.
               Assessment Methods:
                    management/                                 Continuous Assessment:  60%
               2.   Waste Management & Research.                Final Examination:    40%
               3.   Solid Waste and Recycling.                  Medium of Instruction:

                                                                Soft Skills:
               SIH 2008 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY         CS3, CT3
               Introduction to the concept of occupational health, safety  Main References:
               and environment. Identification, assessment and control of  1. Wetzel, R.G. 2001. Limnology: Lake and River
               hazards  at  workplace,  accident  investigation  method  at  Ecosystem. 3 edition, Academic Press, San Diago,
               workplace,  safety  process  management  and  risk  USA.
               assessment.  Knowledge  and  calculation  of  TLVs  2.
               (Threshold Limit Values) for safe working environment. Visit  3.
               to  laboratories  in  order  to  observe  health  and  safety  1.htm.
               procedures are being practised will be carried out.
               Assessment Methods:                              SIH 2011 MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL RESOURCES
               Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Final Examination:    60%                        This course  will  give  the students  opportunity to  analyse
                                                                and  understand  the  importance  of  coastal  resources  in
               Medium of Instruction:                           terms of socio-economic value, inland protection, climate
               English                                          change and ecosystem balance. Coastal resources among
                                                                others  are;  mangrove  forests,  estuaries  and  sandy
               Soft Skills:                                     beaches. Coastal problems like natural disasters, erosion,
               CS3, EM2                                         land  conversion  and  sea  level  rise  will  be  discussed.
                                                                Guidelines  in  coastal  development  and  management
               Main References:                                 strategies like ICZM and ISMP will be introduced. Coastal
               1.  Safety Health and Environmental Protection.  rehabilitation approach like eco engineering technique will
                   A.Wentz, 1998.                               also be introduced. Glasshouse experiment and field site
               2.  Risk Assessment: An environmental Perspective.  visits will be carried out.
                   Peter K. Lagoy, 2005.
               3.  Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127),    Assessment Methods:
                   International Law book Services, 2005.       Continuous Assessment:  50%
                                                                Final Examination:    50%
               SIH 2009 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC              Medium of Instruction:
                       INFORMATION SYSTEM                       English
               Thic  course  introduces  student  to  concept,operation  and  Soft Skills:
               application  of  GIS  with  some  aspects  of  environmental  CS1, CT3, EM2
               management.It is focusing on GIS history,geograpic data
               structure,vector and raster data, area concept in GIS and  Main References:
               implementation  of  atatistical  area.  Application  of  GPS  as  1.  Simon, K. Haslett, 2008. Coastal Systems. Routledge.
               the basic technological tool will also be included.  New York.
                                                                2.  ISMP documents
               Assessment Methods:                              3.  MERF  (2013).  Vulnerability  Assessment  Tools  for
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                          coastal ecosystem. A Guidebook
               Final Examination:    60%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIH 2012 CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY SCIENCE
                                                                This course introduces you to the key concepts, theories,
               Soft Skills:                                     issues, challenges and debates within climate change and
               CS3, TS2                                         energy  policy,  together  with  the  main  social  science
                                                                approaches to this multifaceted subject. Primary emphasis
               Main References:                                 will be given to the basic concepts and techniques, but the
               1.  Smith de Michael J, Goodchild M .F, Longley P.A.,  course will also include insights from innovation studies and
                   2013, Geopspatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide  political  science.  The  focus  throughout  will  be  the
                   to Principles, Techniques and Software Tools, The  opportunities,  challenges  and constraints  associated  with
                   Winchelsea Press, Winchelsea, UK.            making  the  transition  to  a  low  carbon  energy  system.
               2.  Allen D. W., 2009, GIS Tutorial II, ESRI Press,  Relevant  analytical  techniques  such  as  cost  benefit
                                                                analysis, decomposition analysis and energy modelling will
                   Redlands, California.                        also be briefly introduced

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