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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
2. Devlin. (2013) Textbook of biochemistry. John Wiley SIH 1003 PLANT AND ENVIRONMENT
3. Stryer. (2012) Biochemistry. Freeman
4. Watson. (2012) Molecular biology of the gene. Introduction to plant system, structure and function. Energy
Pearson/Benjamin Cumming. conservation in photosynthesis. Introduction to
5. Lewin. (2012) Genes VIII. Oxford University Press. environmental issues. Role of plant in mitigating the
environmental issues. Plant-environmental stresses. Plant-
environment interactions and examples.
Assessment Methods:
This course will cover the origins of cancer and the genetic Continuous Assessment: 40%
and cellular basis for cancer. It will examine the factors that Final Examination: 60%
have been implicated in triggering cancers; the intercellular
interactions involved in cancer proliferation; current Medium of Instruction:
treatments for cancer and how these are designed; and English
future research and treatment directions for cancer therapy.
Soft Skills
Assessment Methods: CS2, CT2, LL2
Continuous Assessment: 40% Main References:
Final Examination: 60%
1. Solomon, E.Martin, C., Martin, D.W. and Berg, L.R.
Medium of Instruction: (eds). 2015. Biology. 10 . ed. Thomson.
English 2. Plant , Cell and Environment. Onlinelibrary. ISSN: 1365-3040.
Soft Skills: 3. Environmental and Experimental Botany.
CS3, CT3, LL3
experimental-botany/ ISSN: 0098-8472
Main References:
1. Robert A. Weinberg (2013). The Biology of Cancer. SIH 2001 RESEARCH METHODS
Garlend Science.
2. Kleinsmith LJ (2006). Principles of Cancer Biology. Introduction to research basics and theory. Key features of
Pearson. research such as research ethics, structuring the research
3. Bronchud, MH. (2004). Principles of Molecular project, finding and reviewing the literature. Attention paid
Oncology (2nd Ed). Humana Press, New Jersey. to data collection techniques and data analysis which focus
on qualitative and quantitative data.
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Instruction:
Career Prospects
Graduates from this Programme have the opportunity to Soft Skills:
contribute to the nation’s development as managers, CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2
consultants, academicians, scientists, officers, planners, Main References:
auditors, law enforcers or educators in the environment and 1. Walliman, N. 2011. Research methods: The basics.
public health and safety sectors. They can also work in New York: Routledge.
private and non-governmental organisation sectors. 2. Guthrie, G. 2010. Basic research methods: An entry to
social science research. India: Sage Publications.
3. Yin, R.K. 2013. Case study research: Design and
SIH 1002 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY methods. London: Sage Publicatons.
Distribution, transport and fate of major pollutants in the
environment. Principles of environmental monitoring and SIH 2002 SCIENTIFIC WRITING METHOD
sampling, sample storage and pretreatment. Introduction to
basic concepts in environmental chemistry, chemical Introduction to acquisition of suitable scientific literatures.
analysis and chemical equilibrium. Guidelines on scientific writing skills and editing particularly
for literature review, scientific papers, poster, theses,
Assessment Methods: dissertations and critique of research papers. Techniques
Continuous Assessment: 40% of oral and poster presentation will be presented.
Final Examination: 60%
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 100%
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills: English
CS3, CT3, EM2.
Soft Skills:
Main References: CS3, LL1, EM2
1. James E. Girard, Principles Of Environmental
Chemistry,2009 Main References:
2. Stanley E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Eight 1 Gunther Tress, Bärbel Tress, Denis A. Saunders.
Edition, 2004. 2014. How to write a paper for successful publication
3. Dejene Eyele Tessema., Environmental Chemistry, in an international peer-reviewed journal. Pacific
African virtual University, 2010 Conservation Biology; 20(3): 1-15.