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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               SIJ 2007 ENZYMES: MECHANISM AND CONTROL          biochemical  techniques  the  students  will  learn  GCMS,
                                                                Western  Blotting,  DNA  extraction,  determination  of
               Enzymes as catalysts - Activation energy and biocatalysis;  molecules in serum and urine.
               Enzyme  specificity;  Enzyme  kinetics - Effect  of  enzyme
               concentration,   substrate   concentration,   pH   and  Assessment Methods:
               temperature  on  reaction  velocity;  Michaelis-Menten  Continuous Assessment:  100%
               equation and linear transformations; Enzyme inhibitions -
               Competitive,   Noncompetitive,   Uncompetitive   and  Medium of Instruction:
               Irreversible   inhibitions;   Active   site   mapping   and  English
               intermediate detection;  Enzyme mechanisms with special
               reference  to  lysozyme  and  chymotrypsin;  Enzyme  Soft Skills:
               regulation - Zymogen  activation,  Covalent  modification,  CT5, TS2, LL2, EM2
               Physiological control and Allosteric regulation; Bi-substrate
               reactions; Catalytic antibodies; Ribozymes       Main References:
                                                                1.  Biochemistry 3 ed. Voet. 2012 J. Wiley
               Assessment Methods:                              2.  Textbook of biochemistry: with clinical correlations 6 th
               Continuous Assessment :  40%                        ed. Devlin. 2012. Wiley.
               Final Examination :   60%                        3.  Biochemistry 5 ed. Stryer. 2012. Freeman
                                                                4.  SIJ 2009 Manual book, ISB.
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                                SIJ 2010 INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY
               Soft Skills:
               CT3, CS3, LL2                                    This course provides the basic principles relating to insect
                                                                biochemistry with reference to named insect species and
               Main References:                                 explains  the  mechanism  of  hormone control  for  insect
               1. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., Stryer, L. & Gatto, Jr., G.J.  growth,  pheromone  role  in  insect  communication,
                  (2012) Biochemistry, 7 ed., W.H. Freeman: New York  biochemical  defense  in  insects  and  the  mechanism  of
               2. Voet D. & Voet J.G. (2011) Biochemistry, 4 ed., John  detoxification  in  insects.  Relationship  between  plants,
                  Wiley: New York                               insects and their life processes are introduced.
               3. Mathews C.K., van Holde K.E., Appling, D.R.  &
                  Anthony-Cahill, S.J. (2013) Biochemistry, 4 ed.,  Assessment Methods:
                  Pearson: Ontario                              Continuous Assessment:  40%
               4. Price  N.C.  &  Stevens,  L.  (1999) Fundamentals  of  Final Examination:  60%
                  Enzymology, 3 ed. Oxford University Press
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
                                                                Soft Skills:
               This  practical  course  introduces the  students  with  CS7, CT6,TS5, LL3, LS4
               fundamental techniques in the field of biochemistry. Apart
               from  that  the  students  also  will  learn  the  methods  of  Main References:
               scientific  calculation  and  report  writing.  Among  the  1.  Rockstein M (1978). Biochemistry of Insects edited by
               biochemical  techniques  the  students  will  learn  are  Academic press pp649.
               fundamental  practice in  buffer  solution  preparation,  2.  Harborne J.B (1993).Introduction to Ecological
               spectrophotometer  usage  in  biochemical  experiments,  Biochemistry. 4th Ed. Academic Press.
               isolation  and  purification  of  biomolecules  and  enzyme  3.  Gary J. Blomquist, and Richard G. Vogt (2003)  Insect
               kinetics.                                           Pheromone   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
                                                                   “The Biosynthesis and Detection of Pheromones and
               Assessment Methods:                                 Plant Volatiles”  Elsevier/Academic Press, 74 pages.
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                     4.  Journal of Insect Biochemistry and molecular Biology-
                                                                   Springer (for Assignment).
               Medium of Instruction:                           5.  Journal of Insect Biochemistry,Journal of Insect
               English                                             biochemistry and Physiology.
               Soft Skills:
               CT5, TS2, LL2, EM2                               SIJ 2011 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOCHEMISTRY

               Main References:                                 The ecosystem: interaction between the biotic and abiotic
               1. Manual SIJ 2008 Amali Biokimia I, ISB.        components. The energy concept and trophic levels.
               2. Biochemistry 4 ed. Voet. 2011 J. Wiley, New York  Biogeochemical cycles for carbon, nitrogen, sulphur,
               3. Analytical Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular  phosphorus.  Petroleum industry, impacts of oil spills to
                  Biology. Katoch R. Springer eBooks, 2011      the natural environment and biological treatment.
               4. Essentials of Biochemistry Fromm HJ, Hargrove M.  Xenobiotics: benefits and impacts.  Bioconversion of
                                                                polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and
                  Springer eBooks, 2012                         polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  Environmental impacts
               5. Textbook of biochemistry: with clinical correlations 6 th  of anthropogenic activities e.g. deforestation, urbanisation,
                  ed. Devlin. 2006. Wiley.                      monoculture farming, mining.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               SIJ 2009 BIOCHEMISTRY PRACTICAL II               Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:    60%
               This practical course introduces the students with specific
               techniques  in  the  field  of  biochemistry.    Among  the

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