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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               SIK 3019  CHRONIC DISEASES                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  50%
               This  course  encompasses  aetiology,  pathogenesis,  Final Examination:  50%
               epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy for selected chronic
               diseases - vascular diseases, cardiac diseases, respiratory  Medium of Instruction:
               diseases, cancer etc.                            English

               Assessment Methods:                              Soft Skills:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
               Final Examination:  60%
                                                                Main References:
               Medium of Instruction:                           1. Richard Saferstein, Criminalistics : Introduction to
               English                                             Forensic Science, (Ed 9) Pearsons
                                                                2. James SH,Kish PE & Sutton TP, 2005 Principles of
               Soft Skills:                                        Blood Stain Pattern Analysis: theory & practice. Boca
               CS4, CT2, TS1, LL2                                  Raton CRC
                                                                3. Stuart James& Jon Nordby ; Forensic Science: An
               Main References:                                    Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques
               1. Porth,  C.  (2004).    Essentials  of  Pathphysiology.  CRC press
                  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia   4. Forensic entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal
               2. Gould,  BE  (2006).  Pathophysiology  for  Health  investigations (2001) - Byrd, Jason H./CRC Press
                  Professionals (3 Ed), Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia
               3. Crowley,  LV  (2004).    An  Introduction  to  Human
                  Disease:  Pathology and Pathophysiology Corelations  SIK 3022  TAXONOMY IN MEDICINAL PLANT
                  (6 Ed).  Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury  RESEARCH
               4. Nowak, TJ. (2004).  Pathophysiology:  Concepts and
                  Applications for Health Care Professionals.  McGraw-
                  Hill Higher Education, Boston                 Principles of  taxonomy;  the  different  disciplines  of
               5. Bullock,  BL  (2000).    Focus  on  Pathophysiology.  taxonomy; the roles of taxonomy in modern society; plants
                  Lippincott Williams &  Wilkins, Philadelphia  and their morphologies; the role of taxonomy in medicine;
                                                                medicinal plants from different families; conservation and
                                                                medicinal plants; evaluating economic values of medicinal
               SIK 3020 DISEASES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS         plants.
               Discussion on diseases affecting the brain and the spinal  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               cord.   The  effects  on  the  function  of the central  nervous  Final Examination:  60%
               system.  Neurobiological basis for the diseases.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Methods:                              English
               Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Final Examination:  60%                          Soft Skills:
                                                                CT3, LL2
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Main References:
                                                                1. Mukherjee, P.K. & Houghton, P.J. (2009). Evaluation of
               Soft Skills:                                        Herbal  Medicinal  Products: Perspectives  on  Quality,
               CS3, CT3, TS1, LL2, EM1                             Safety, and Efficacy. Pharmaceutical Press. London.
                                                                2. Samy,  J.  et  al.,  (2009).  Herbs  of  Malaysia.  Marshall
               Main References:                                    Cavendish (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
               1. ER Kandel, JH Schwartz & TM Jessel (2000) Principles  3. Simpson,   M.G.   (2006).   Plant   Systematics.
                  of Neural Science (4 Ed). McGraw-Hill Medical.   Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam.
               2.  E.R.Kandel  &  J.H.  Schwartz  (1993). Prinsip  Sains  4. Ong,  H.C.  (2004)  Tumbuhan  Liar:  Khasiat  Ubatan  &
                  Neural - terjemahan.. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka   Kegunaan Lain. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications &
               3. M  Donaghy  (2001).  Brain’s  Diseases  of  the  Nervous  Distributors Sdn Bhd
                  System. (11th Ed). Oxford University Press    5. Malaysian  Herbal  Monograph.  Volume  1.  (1999).
               4. AK  Asbury,  GM  McKhann,  WI  McDonald  (2002).  Malaysian Monograph Committee. Kuala Lumpur.
                  Diseases   of   the   Nervous   System:   Clinical
                  Neuroscience  &  Therapeutic  Principles.  (3rd  Ed).
                  Cambridge University Press                    SIK 3023  BIOASSAY TECHNIQUES
               5. CJ Mathias & R Bannister (2002).  Autonomic Failure.
                  A  Textbook  of  Clinical  Disorders  of  the  Autonomic  This  practical  course  includes  introduction  to  bioassay
                  Nervous System. (4th Ed). Oxford University Press.  techniques,  phytochemical  screening  of  phytochemical
                                                                compounds  for  BSLA  test,  total  phenol  and  flavonoids,
                                                                antioxidant DPPH, FRAP and metal chelating, isolation of
               SIK 3021  BASIC FORENSIC SCIENCE                 soil  microbes,  antifungus  activity  of  soil  bacteria,  cell
                                                                biology  assays  with  fluorescence  microscopy,  NRU
               This course will introduce students to basic forensic science  cytotoxicity assay, GST activity and stem cell.
               and    crime  scene  investigation.  Focus  will  be  on  the
               biological aspects of forensic evidence including hair, blood  Assessment Methods:
               and other body fluids. Basic trace evidence , fingerprint and  Continuous Assessment:  100%
               blood  spatter  analysis .Practicals  will  cover  techniques
               used to collect and analyze evidence found at a simulated  Medium of Instruction:
               scene of a crime.                                English

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