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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Soft Skills:                                     precipitation,  genomic cloning,  stem  cell  and  molecular
               CS5, CT3, TS2, LL2                               toxicology.
               Main References:                                 Assessment Methods:
               1.  Human  Biology:  concepts  and  current  issues.  2013.  Continuous Assessment:  100%
                  Johnson MD. Benjamin Cummings Pub. San Francisco
               2.  Human Biology. 2014. Starr CB. McMillan Brooks/Cole  Medium of Instruction:
                   Pub. USA                                     English
               3.  Human biology. 2014. Sylvia Mader. McGraw-Hill.
                                                                Soft Skills:
                                                                CS2, CT6, TS4, EM2, LL2
                        SCIENCE                                 Main References:
                                                                1. SIK 3003 Practical Manual
               Candidate will conduct research in any field and topic that
               is connected with any aspects of Biohealth Sciences under
               the  supervision  of  one  or  two  lecturers.    The  research  SIK 3004   HORMONE BIOLOGY
               project  will  be  conducted over  a period  of  2  consecutive
               semesters.    At  the  end  of  the  second  semester  the  Various concepts in the biochemistry of hormone and the
               candidate must complete a thesis which will be submitted  metabolic regulation in human. Biochemical pathways as
               for assessment as well as present research findings in a  well  as  in  determining  its  functional  operation  and  the
               seminar or as poster.                            controlling mechanism involved as well as mechanism of
                                                                hormone  action.  Metabolic  characteristic  of  organs  and
               Assessment Methods:                              tissues,  metabolism  of  carbohydrate,  fat  and  protein,
               Continuous Assessment:       100%                diabetes  mellitus  and  energy  balance  and  body  weight
               Consisting of;                                   regulation.
               Thesis                        70%
               Poster/Seminar presentation   30%                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  40%
               Medium of Instruction:                           Final Examination:  60%
               English or Bahasa Melayu
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:                                     English
               CS3, CT6, LL2
                                                                Soft Skills:
               Main References:                                 CS3, CT3, LL2
               Depending  on  the  research  topics  carried  out  by  the
               students.                                        Main References:
                                                                1. Brook &  Marshall. (2001). Essential Endocrinology
                                                                   4th Edition, Blackwell Science Limited Publishing.
               SIK 3002  INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN BIOHEALTH       2. Devlin, T.M. (1997). Texbook of Biochemistry with
                        SCIENCE                                    chinical correlations. Wiley Press.
                                                                3. Guyton, A.C. (1971) Human Physiology and
               Students  will  be  placed  at  government  hospitals,  other  mechanisms of disease. 5th Edition, Saunders.
               relevant government or private agencies of their choice or  4. Levy, Andrew.(1997). Endocrinology, Oxford Press.
               which  have  accepted  them.  Students  will  be  exposed  to
               everyday  working  activities  as  instructed  by  their  SIK 3005  PHARMACOLOGY
               supervisors at the place of work. At the end of the training,
               each student and employer must each submit a report of  The  course  introduces  drugs,  the  basic  principles  of
               the  training  and  of  the  student’s  performance  during  the  pharmacology,  interaction  of  drugs  with  receptors  and  to
               duration of the training.                        provide  student sufficient  skill  to  be  able  to  evaluate  the
                                                                effect of drugs on human physiology especially in treatment
               Assessment Methods:                              of diseases.
               Continuous Assessment:       100%
               Consisting of;                                   Assessment Methods:
                Industrial supervisor report  20%               Continuous Assessment:  40%
                University superviso report  20%                Final Examination:  60%
                Student report               60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                           English
                                                                Soft Skills:
               Soft Skills:                                     CS2, CT2, EM2
               CS2, CT3, TS3, LL2, KK1, EM2
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                 1. Rang, H. P.(2003),  Pharmacology (5th Ed). Churchill
               As  prescribed  by  the  employer and/or  Industrial  Training  Livingstone, Edinburgh.
               Coordinator.                                     2. Page, C. (2002), Integrated Pharmacology (2nd Ed).
                                                                   Mosby, Edinburgh.
                                                                3. Leilani, GH. (2000), Understanding Pharmacology: A
               SIK 3003   ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS IN              Physiologic Approach. Appleton & Lang.
                       BIOHEALTH SCIENCE                        4. Brenner, G. M. (2000),  Pharmacology. Saunders,
               Techniques taught include pharmacology, phytochemistry,  5. Rosenfield, G. C. (1998),  Pharmacology (3rd Ed).
               enzymology, embryology. Other techniques include protein  William & Wilkins.

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