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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
Main References:
1. Fingerman, M. & Nagabhushanam, R. (2000). Recent SIO 3013 BIOPRODUCT BUSINESS AND SUPPLY
Advances in Marine Biotechonology, Vol. 4: Aquaculture. CHAIN
Part A: Seaweeds and Invertebrates. Science
Publishers. This is a course designed to expose students to the
2. Journal of Applied Phycology, Springer. importance of bioproduct business and supply chain in
3. Journal of Marine Biotechnology. Springer-Verlag. understanding marketing issues and strategy in general. It
covers the evaluation of competitiveness and profitability of
vegetable farming and their innovation towards sustainable
SIO 3011 PLANT MORPHOGENESIS cultivation. It also gives you an overview of the processes
involved in a supply chain.
Definition of morphogenesis. Morphogenesis in vivo and in
vitro. In vitro system or tissue culture system to study Assessment Methods:
morphogenesis and related processes. Organogenesis, Continuous Assessment: 40%
embryogenesis, plant regeneration and their importance in Final Examination: 60%
industries, especially agro-based industry. Cell cycle and its
importance in morphogenesis. Autoradiography technique Medium of Instruction:
and its importance, microdensitometry. Image analyser for English
measurement of nuclear DNA quantity, ploidy level and
other cellular parameters such as cell and nuclear areas, Soft Skills:
cell doubling time etc. CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, KK1
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. Howser V (2014). How to Start a Post-harvest Crop
Final Examination: 60% Business (Beginners Guide), Volume 1. USA: Mic
Medium of Instruction: 2. Williams J (2013). Agricultural Supply Chains and the
English Challenge of Price Risk. New York: Routledge.
3. Shewfelt RL and Prussia SE (2012). Postharvest
Soft Skills: Handling: A Systems Approach. London: Academic
CS3, CT3, LL2, TS2, EM2 Press.
Main References:
1. Stephen, L.W. (2011) Biology of the cell. 12 nd edn. SIO 3014 AQUACULTURE NUTRITION
Wadsworth Publishing Co. Belmont, California.
2. Bhojwani, S.s. & Razdan, M.K. (2013). Plant Tissue This course will focus on fish nutrition research and feed
Culture: Theory and Practice, A revised Edn. Elsevier. development in aquaculture, mechanism of nutrient
Armsterdam-Oxford-Tokyo. digestion, protein nutrition and quality, lipid nutrition and
3. Dennis Francis (2011). The Plant Cell cycle & its metabolism, vitamins and mineral requirements and their
Interfaces. Blackwell Publishing. deficiencies. Role of carbohydrates in fish feeds, energy
metabolism, and dietary value of feeds, digestibility and
absorption of nutrients in fish will be covered. Alternatives
SIO 3012 ENZYME TECHNOLOGY to fishmeal in fish nutrition and methods of formulation of
fish feed will also be covered.
The course is designed to give balance instruction in both
fundamental and applied aspects of enzymology for Assessment Methods:
biotechnology students. Among topics covered are Continuous Assessment: 40%
elementary rate laws, temperature and pH effects, theory of Final Examinations: 60%
reaction rates, characterization of enzyme activity, enzyme
inhibition, two-substrate reactions, immobilized enzyme, Medium of Instruction:
interfacial enzyme, enzyme in organic solvent/ionic liquid, English
enzyme reactors, design equations/modeling and transport
phenomena. The course is complemented by laboratory Main References:
practical in so that the students can put kinetic principles 1. Webster, C.D. and Lim, C.(eds)(2002). Requirements
into practice. and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaclture. CAB
Publishing, UK.
Assessment Methods: 2. Lim,C., Webster, C.D. (eds.).(2006). Tilapia-Biology,
Continuous Assessment: 40% Culture and Nutrition. Food Product Press.
Final Examination: 60% 3. Hertrampf, J.E. and Piedad,-Pascal F.(2000).
Handbook on Ingredients for Aquacultural Foods.
Medium of Instruction: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Series of seminars and discussions on current/selected
Main References: topics on biotechnology including commercialization
1. Marangoni, A.G. (2013) Enzyme kinetics: a modern potentials. Students’ presentation (individual/group) on
approach. Wiley-Interscience. selected topics on biotechnology.
2. Shuler, M.L. and Kargi, F. (2012) Bioprocess
Engineering: Basic Concepts, Prentice Hall, 3 nd Assessment Methods:
Edition. Continuous Assessment: 100%
3. Bailey, J.E. and Ollis, D.F. (2014) Biochemical
Engineering Fundamentals, 4 Ed. Medium of Instruction: