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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      Soft Skills:
               Final Examination:  60%                          CT3, LL2
               Medium of Instruction:                           Main References:
               English                                          1. Martin, G.J. 1996. Ethnobotany A Methods Manual.
                                                                   Chapman & Hall,    London
               Soft Skills:                                     2. Chadwick, D.J. & Marsh, J. (eds.) (1995). Ethnobotany
               CS4, CT5, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2                        and the Search for New Drugs. CIBA foundation
                                                                   Symnosium 185. John Wiley & Sons. Chicester.
               Main References:                                 3. Schultes, R.E. & von Reis, S. (eds.)(1995).
               1. Applied Microbiology, Applied microbiology / Vinita V.  Ethnobotany Evolution of a Discipline. Dioscorides
                  Kale, Kishore P. Bhosari. ISBN: 9788183187480; Rev.  Press. Portland.
                  ed.; Mumbai: Himalaya Pub. House, 2007.
               2. Microbiology  and  Immunology,  Microbiology  &
                  immunology / Promila Parihar.ISBN: 9788189981303;  SIK 2012   MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY
                  Delhi, India: Swastik Publishers & Distributors, 2009.
               3. Modern Industrial and Microbiology, Modern industrial  Arthropods as agents and vectors of human diseases. The
                  microbiology and biotechnology / Nduka Okafor  ISBN:  vector-parasite  relationships.    Mechanical  vectors  and
                  1578084342  ;  Enfield,  (NH):  Science  Publishers,  biological vectors. The biology, life-cycle, epidemiology of
                  c2007.                                        diseases  caused  by  mosquitoes,  flies,  ticks,  bugs,  lice,
               4. Microbes  and  Microbial Technology,  Microbes  and  fleas, mites, cockroaches bedbugs ; vector control.
                  Microbial Technology: Agricultural and Environmental
                  Applications  /  edited  by  Iqbal  Ahmad,  Farah  Ahmad,  Assessment Methods:
                  John Pichtel. ISBN: — Springer eBooks, 2011.  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               5. Principles of Microbiology, Principles of microbiology /  Final Examination:  60%
                  M.S.  Bhatia.  ISBN:  9788189981273  ;  1st  ed.;  Delhi,
                  India: Swastik Publishers & Distributors, 2009.  Medium of Instruction:
               SIK 2010  MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY                   Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2
               Introduction.  The  biology,  life-cycle,  epidemiology,
               symptoms treatment, epidemiological control and control of  Main References:
               selected  parasitic  diseases  such  as Amoebic  dysentery,  1. Medical  entomology  for  students  (2000) - MW
               Giardiasis,   Toxoplasmosis,   Malaria,   Leishmaniasis,  Service/Cambridge Univ Press
               Trypanosomiasis,  Chagas,  Taeniasis, Schistosomiasis,  2. Medical  Lab  Manual  for  Tropical  Countries(1983) -
               Lymphatic Filariasis  etc.                          Monica Cheesborough / ELBS
                                                                3. Entomologi  Perubatan  (1993) - Sallehudin  Sulaiman/
               Assessment Methods:                                 DBP
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      4. Medical  &  Veterinary  Entomology(1995) - D  S
               Final Examination:  60%                             Kettle/CAB Intl
                                                                5. Biology  of  Blood-sucking  Insects  (1991) –M  J
               Medium of Instruction:                              Lehane/Harpers Academic
               English                                          6. Forensic entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal
                                                                   investigations (2001) - Byrd, Jason H./CRC Press
               Soft Skills:
               CS1, CT3, LL2
                                                                SIK 2013  PHARMACOGNOSY
               Main References:
               1. Medical   parasitology:   a   self-instructional   text  Introduction to pharmacognosy, crude drug, commerce in
                  (2004) Leventhal, Ruth./ F.A.Davis Co         drug,  preparatition  of  drugs  for  commercial  market,
               2. Medical  Lab  Manual  for  Tropical  Countries  Vol  1  &2  evaluation  of  drug  and  chromatographic  study  of  drugs,
                  (2000) – Monica Cheeseborough / ELBS          chemical classification of drugs, carbohydrates and related
               3. Human parasitology (2000) Bogistsh pub Elsevier  compounds, glycosides, tannins, lipids, volatile oils, resins
               4. Modern Parasitology (1992) - FEG Cox pub Blackwell  and resin combinations, alkaloids and poisonous plants.
               5. Parasitologi Perubatan (1988) – Vijaya Thomas DBP
               6. Color atlas of tropical medicine and parasitology (1995)  Assessment Methods:
                  Peters, Wallace, 1924- / Morsby-wolfe         Continuous Assessment:  40%
                                                                Final Examination:  60%
               SIK 2011  ETHNOBOTANY
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Principles  of  ethnobotany;  the  different  disciplines  of  English
               ethnobotany; the roles of ethnobotany in modern society;
               plants  and their  origins;  the  role  of  taxonomy  in  Soft Skills:
               ethnobotany;   medicinal   plants   from   ethnobotany;  CS2, CT3, LL2
               conservation and ethnobotany; evaluating economic values
               of ethnobotany; use of ecology in ethnobotany.   Main References:
                                                                1. Edward. P. Claus; Varro. E. Tyler and Lynn. R. (1970)
               Assessment Methods:                                 Pharmacognosy 6 edition.
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                      2. William  Charles  Evans  (1996)  Trease  and  Ebans’
               Final Examination:  60%                             Pharmacognosy 14 edition. Saunders.
                                                                3. Muhamad Zakaria  and  Mustafa  Ali  Mohd  (1994)
               Medium of Instruction:                              Traditional Malay Medicinal Plants, Penerbit Fajar Bakti
               English                                             Sdn Bhd.
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