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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
SIK 2005 PHYTOCHEMISTRY structures in relation to functions. Laboratory works (i)
Preparations of slides and (ii) Slide analysis.
The course introduces the basic principle of phytochemistry
to provide student sufficient skill to be able to identify Assessment Methods:
various classes of secondary metabolites. The course Continuous Assessment: 50%
content consist of introduction to phytochemistry, Final Examination: 50%
classification of phenolics, terpenoid, alkaloids and other
secondary metabolites compounds, the biosynthesis Medium of Instruction:
pathway of acetate-melonate, acetate-mevalonate and English
shikimic acid in relation to the formation of secondary
metabolite, physical and chemical properties of secondary Soft Skills:
product and its medicinal usage as antibiotic, anti- CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
inflammation, anti-oxidant etc, the function of secondary
metabolite in plants and the its application in health care Main References:
industry, food and beverages, agriculture and etc. 1. Atlas Histologi. Freeman, WH & Bracegirdle, B (1981).
Heinemann Educational Books (Asia) Ltd.
Assessment Methods: 2. Mikroskopi Cahaya. Mohammed Omar (1987). DBP
Continuous Assessment: 40% 3. Bloom & Fawcett a Textbook of Histology. DW Fawcett
Final Examination: 60% (12th edition, 1994). Chapman & Hall.
4. Basic Histology: Text & Atlas. LC Junqueira & J
Medium of Instruction: Carneiro (10th edition, 2002). McGraw-Hill Medical.
English 5. Histology (A Text & Atlas). MH Ross, GI Kaye & W
Pawlina (4th edition, 2002). Lippincott Williams &
Soft Skills: Wilkins.
CS2, CT3, LL2
Main References: SIK 2008 GENERAL IMMUNOLOGY
1. John T, Romeo (2004) Secondary metabolism in model
system, Amsterdam, Boston. This course encompasses basic concepts of immunology
2. E.A. Bell and B.V. Cherlwood (1980) Secondary Plant which includes specific and non-specific immunity;
Products. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New lymphoid organ / tissues, characteristics and effector
Series Volume 8, Springer-Verhg Berlin Hcidelberg, functions of leucocytes, mechanisms of the non-specific
New York. immunity; humoral and cell-mediated immune reactions;
3. J.B Harbone, Phytochemical Methods, (1973), antigens and immunogenicity, types, characteristics and
Chapmen &Hall,Lon. effector functions of antibodies; immunodiagnostic tools;
4. John F. Robyt and Bernard J. White (1987) Biochemical immune diseases.
Techniques Theory and Practise, Brooks/Cole
Publishing Company. Assessment Methods:
5. John T, Romeo, James A. Saunders and Benjamin F, Continuous Assessment: 40%
Matthews (2001) Regulation of phytochemicals by Final Examination: 60%
molecular techniques. New York: Elseiver Science Ltd.
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills:
In this course, an integrated approach to learning genetics
will be employed encompassing transmission and CS3, TS1, LL2
molecular genetics. Topics include: Cell cycle and cellular
division; Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance; Main References:
1. Eales, Lesley-Jane (2003). Immunology for Life
Chromosome and heredity; Linkage and crossing-over; Scientists (2nd Ed). John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey
Genetic mapping; Cytogenetics and the human genome;
Human genome stability; Human genetic diseases; Genetic 2. Goldsby, Richard A. (2003). Immunology (5th Ed).
technology applications. Emphasis on human perspectives W.H. Freeman, New York
will be given when discussing the various topics. 3. Elves, PJ, Martin SJ, Burton R, Roitt, IV. (2011) Roitt’s
Essential Immunology (12th Ed). Wiley-Blackwell.
4. Yadav, M. and Yadav, A. (2005). Causes and
Assessment Methods: Prevention: Allergy and Asthma (1st Ed). Today
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50% Publishing, Malaysia
Soft Skills: This course provides students with basic knowledge and
CS4, CT3, EM2 practical skills in microbiology. Topics covered include
microbial diversity and their classifications, the growth,
culture and control of microorganisms, microbial diseases,
Main References:
1. Snustad, D.P. & Simmons, M.J. (2009). Principles of microbial media preparation, inoculation and culturing
Genetics. 5th ed. John Wiley. techniques, colonial morphology characteristics, principles
of identification tests, hands-on basic microbiological
techniques and data interpretation & analysis. The aim of
SIK 2007 HISTOLOGY this module is to create an interest in research microbiology
and as well as provide an overview of microbial
Principles of Histology. Basic cell structure and tissues of bioprospecting area for preparing Biohealth Science
the vertebrates. Histogenesis, classification and students for their carrier development in the future.
organization of tissues of the vertebrates (nervous tissue,
epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue). Tissue