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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
two semesters (I and II or II and III). The thesis should be
submitted in either semester II or semester III, respectively. Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Assessment Methods: Final Examination: 50%
Continuous Assessment : 100%
Medium of Instruction:
Medium of Instruction: English
Soft Skills:
Soft Skills: CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
CS4, CT5, LL2, EM2
Main References:
1. Tkacz, J.S. & Lange, L. (eds). (2004). Advances in
SIO 3006 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN Fungal Biotechnology for Industry, Agriculture and
BIOTECHNOLOGY Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2. Mahendra Rai (2009) Advances in Fungal
Students will be stationed at their preferred industrial Biotechnology. IK International Publishing House.
placement choice. They will be doing daily chores as 3. Lourdes, Polizeli and Rai (2013) Fungal Enzymes.
indicated by their site supervisor. At the end of training,
students are required to submit a complete report regarding
their industrial training experience. SIO 3009 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% The importance of biological system and microbes in the
management and treatment of wastes. Characterisation of
Medium of Instruction: various wastes from industrial sectors including
English xenobiotics. Introduction to conventional systems of
treatment of wastes and sewage. Innovations in treatment
Soft Skills: of wastes with microbes and plants. Utilisation of wastes for
CS7, CT5, TS5, LL2, EM3, LS4 production of value-added products.
Assessment Methods:
SIO 3007 ALGAE BIOTECHNOLOGY Continuous assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
Algae, including microalgae and macroalgae (seaweeds),
represent a biotechnological resource of great potential. Medium of Instruction:
Algae Biotechnology is defined as “ the use of algae or a English
part of it in industrial products, medicine or processes”.
Topics taught include new biotechnological products like Soft Skills:
medicine, polymers, enzymes and technologies for CS5, CT5, LL2, EM2, LS2, TS3
isolation and production of algal biomass and products;
mass cultivation, harvesting and bioprocessing, strain Main References:
improvement, etc. Application of algae biotechnology in 1. Environmental Biotreatment Technologies for Air, Water,
aquaculture and environmental management. Soil and Wastes. (2002). Mulligan, C.N. ABS Consultings
Assessment Methods: 2. Eweis, J.B., Ergas, S.A., Chang, D.P.Y. & Schroeder,
Continuous Assessment: 40% E.D. (1998). Bioremediation Principles. McGraw-Hill.
Final Examination: 60% 3. Scragg, A. (1999). Environmental Biotechnology.
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2 Marine Biotechnology is defined as the use of marine
organisms or their parts in industrial products, medicine or
Main References: processes. Topics taught include new marine
1. Phang, S.M., Critchley, A.T. & Ang, P.Jr. (eds) (2006). biotechnological products like medicine, polymers,
Advances in Seaweed Utilisation and Cultivation in Asia. enzymes and current technologies like genomics,
UMMReC Publication. proteomics and species improvement, etc. Application of
2. Richmond, A. (ed). (2003). Handbook of Microalgal biotechnology in fisheries, aquaculture and environmental
Culture: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology. Wiley- management.
3. Richard,A. (2004). Handbook of Microalgal Culture. Assessment Methods:
Biotechnology and Applied Phycology. Blackwell Continuous Assessment: 40%
Science Ltd. Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
This course concerns the structure, biology and role of fungi Soft Skills:
in the chemical, agriculture, food, medical and CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2
bioremediation industries. Practical experience in the
handling and isolation of fungi, as well as methodology of
the production of useful compounds from fungi are