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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Medium of Instruction:                           3. Lacroix,  Z.  &  Critchlow,  T. (2003).  Bioinformatics:
               English                                            Managing Scientific Data. Kaufmann Publication.
               Soft Skills:
               CS4, CT4, TS2, LS2, EM3                          SIO 2009  METABOLOMICS AND SECONDARY
               Main References:
               1. Gamble,  T.K.  &  Gamble,  M.  (2004).  Communication  This course covers biosynthesis, bioactivity and ecology of
                 Works. 10th ed. McGraw-Hill.                   secondary metabolites (natural products), Major classes of
               2. McMillan, V.E. (1997). Writing Papers in the Biological  secondary  metabolites  are  explained  according  to
                 Sciences. Bedford Books: Boston.               elementary intermediate compounds where they are found,
               3. Shirley,  T.  (2000).  Essential Communication  Skills.  followed  by  elaboration  of  the  pharmacological  and
                 Longman: New York.                             toxicological traits  of compounds found  in  insects,  plants
                                                                and microorganisms. This course ends with an introduction
                                                                to  the  biotechnological  exploitation  of  secondary
               SIO 2007  MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETIIC         metabolites.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               The course include the principles, systems and techniques  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               that  can  be  used  in  the  genetics  engineering  of  Final Examination:  60%
               microrganisms, plants and animals as well as methods of
               gene  transfer.  The  lecture  also  discussed  in  depth  the  Medium of Instruction:
               specific examples on how the technology being used. It also  English
               discuss generally on the advantage and disadvantages of
               genetic engineering.                             Soft Skills:
                                                                CS4, CT3, TS3
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  50%                      Main References:
               Final Examination:    50%                        1. Secondary  Metabolism  (2012).  2 nd  Edition.  J.  Mann.
                                                                  Oxford University Press.
               Medium of Instruction:                           2. Biochemistry  of  Plant  Secondary Metabolism  (2013).
               English                                            Annual plant Reviews, Vol 2, Sheffield Academic Press.
                                                                3. Functions  of  Plant  secondary  metabolites  and  their
               Soft Skills:                                       exploitation  in  biotechnology  (2013).  Annual  Plant
               CS3, TS2, EM2, CT3                                 Reviews, Vol. 3, Sheffield Academic Press.

               Main References:
               1. Paul  Christou & Harry  Klee  (2014)  Handbook  of Plant  SIO 2010    POST-HARVEST PROCESS ENGINEERING
                 Biotechnology. John Wiley and Sons.            AND TECHNOLOGY
               2. Brevini,  T.A.L.  (2014).   Stem  Cells  in  Animal Species:
                 From Pre-clinic to   Biodiversity.  Humana Press.  This  course  is  designed  to  expose  students  to  the
               3. Pease,  S.  and  Saunders,  T.L.  (2011).  Advanced  importance of postharvest biotechnology in horticulture. It
                 Protocols  for  Animal  Transgenesis:  An  ISTT  Manual.  covers the physiological processes involved and the use of
                 Springer Publication.                          biotechnology  to  address  postharvest  problems.  It  also
                                                                gives an overview of  processes involved from the time of
                                                                harvest until the time the produce reaches the market.
               SIO 2008    BASIC BIOINFORMATICS
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Students  will  learn  the  necessity  and  importance  of  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               bioinformatics  for  the  processing  of  molecular  biological  Final Examinations:  60%
               data, in particular nucleic acid and amino-acid sequences,
               using computational techniques. Students will be given an  Medium of Instruction:
               overview of the diversity of problems that can be tackled  English
               with  bioinformatics,  and  they  will  learn  about  basic
               techniques to solve certain computational problems. Using  Soft Skills:
               practical exercises, students will learn to extract data from  CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS3
               biological  databases  (e.g.  homologous  sequences)  and
               analyse these data with specially-developed tools.  Main References:
                                                                1. Chakraverty  A  and  Singh  P  (2014).  Postharvest
               Assessment Methods:                                 Technology  and  Food  Process  Engineering.  USA:
               Continuous Assessment:  100%                        Taylor & Francis Group.
                                                                2. Ramaswamy HS (2014). Post-harvest Technologies of
               Medium of Instruction:                              Fruits & Vegetables. USA: DEStech Publications.
               English                                          3. Berk  Z  (2013).  Food  Process  Engineering  and
                                                                   Technology, 2 edition. UK: Elsevier
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2, LS2
                                                                SIO 2011     PLANT BREEDING
               Main References:
               1. Karwetz,  S.A  &  Womble,  D.D.  (2003).  Introduction  to  The objective of this course is to introduce the principles of
                 Bioinformatics:  A  Theoretical  and  Practical  Approach.  genetics and basic techniques in plant breeding. It covers
                 Humana Press.                                  sexual reproduction systems in plants, self-pollinated and
               2. Krane,  D.E.  &  Raymer,  M.L.  (2002).  Fundamental  cross-polinated  crops,  techniques  in  plant  breeding,
                 Concepts of Bioinformatics. Benjamin Cummings.  techniques  in  breeding  for  disease  resistance  and  the
                                                                development of hybrids.

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