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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
Main References:
1. Roger Pressman and Bruce Maxim (2014). Software This course will discuss about diversities and issues
Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. 8 ed. regarding organisms’ genetics resources. It will also focus
2. Ian Sommerville (2013). Software Engineering. 9 ed. on the development and usage of databases related to
3. Per Runeson, Martin Host, Austen Rainer, Bjorn Regnell genetic resources in bioinformatics research.
(2012). Case Study Research in Software Engineering,
Wiley. Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40%
BIOINFORMATICS Medium of Instruction:
This course aims to introduce the concepts in computer
graphics as well as apply effective techniques in designing Soft Skills:
and developing computer graphic application. It covers the CS3, CT3, LL2
introduction of the components in computer graphics
systems and also the languages and tools use for graphics Main References:
programming such as Python, SVG and OpenGL. Various 1.Perry, M.C., Painting, K.A. & Ayad, A.G. (1993).
problems related to Bioinformatics are considered to be Genebank Management System. International Plant
solved using graphics programming language. Genetic Resources Institute (formerly International Board
for Plant Genetic Resources) : Rome.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60% 2.Various databases on genetic resource informatics in and
Final Examination: 40% outside of Malaysia.
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills: PROGRAMME
CS3, CT3, TS2
Main References: Career Prospects
1. Oswald Campesato (2014). Fundamentals of SVG Upon graduation, graduates with BSc in Biotechnology can
Programming. Charles River Media occupy positions such as scientist, researcher, lecturer,
2. Conrad Bessant, Darren Oakley, Ian Shadforth (2014). and management officer in Government Agencies, Private
Building Bioinformatics Solutions. 2 nd edition. Oxford Agencies (Local / Multinational), Non-Governmental
University Press Organisations (NGO) and International Bodies.
3. Andreas D. Baxevanis, B. F. Francis Ouellette (2011). 2 nd
edition. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis
of Genes and Proteins. Wiley. SIO 1001 BASIC PHYSICS
Introduction to physical concepts present in Biotechnology
Assessment Methods:
Student will learn new methods to retrieve, group, process Continuous Assessment: 50%
and manage the knowledge and the data in the field of Final Examination: 50%
health and bio health science. Students also will be learning
about the clinical data & hospital record system (HIS), HL7, Medium of Instruction:
telemedicine, telesurgery, teleradiology , decision support English
system and other related aspect.
Soft Skills:
Assessment Methods: CS3, CT3, LL2
Continuous Assessment: 60%
Final Examination: 40% Main References:
1. Applied Physics, D.Ewen, N.Schurter, P.E. Gundersen,
Medium of Instruction: Pearson Education International, 9 Edition.
English 2. Physics: Principles and Applications, D.C. Giancoli,
Pearson Education International, 6th Edition.
Soft Skills: 3. Physics for Scientists and Engineers, S.Jewett,
CS3, CT3, TS2 Thomson Learning
Main References:
1. Julus J. Berman (2010). Methods in Medical Informatics: SIO 2001 APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
Fundamentals of Healthcare Programming in Perl,
Python, and Ruby. Chapman and Hall/CRC. Introduction to industrial microorganisms. Roles of bacteria,
2. Edward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino (2013). alga and fungi for life and the environment. Microbial
Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health culture, growth and control. Bioactive agents and genetic
Care and Biomedicine (Health Informatics) 4 th ed. engineering. Applications of microbes in medicine, industry,
Springer. agriculture, waste treatment and biodegradation of
3. Ramona Nelson, Nancy Staggers (2013). Health pollutants. Microbial processes in production of food,
Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach. Mosby. drinks, dairy products and bioactive agents (pharmaceutical
and non pharmaceuticals).