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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Assessment Methods:                              SIO 2004    CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE
               Continuous Assessment:  50%
               Final Examination:   50%                         Regeneration of complete plants from various cells, tissues
                                                                and organs from tissue culture systems. Media preparation
               Medium of Instruction:                           and discussion of factors affecting cells, tissues and organs
               English                                          growth and ultimately plant regeneration.  Meristem culture
                                                                and  production  of  diseases-free  plants.  Various  types  of
               Soft Skills:                                     cultures.  Clonal  propagation,  somatic  embryogenesis.
               CT3, TS3, EM2                                    Production  of  haploid  and  triploid  plants.  Production  of
                                                                secondary  plant  metabolites in  vitro.  Importance  and
               Main References:                                 contributions of tissue culture technique.  Cryopreservation.
               1. Madigan, M.T., Martinko, J.M. Bender KS, Buckley DH,  Animal tissue culture and biotechnology
                  Stahl  DA.  (2014). Brock  Biology  of  Microorganisms.
                  14 ed. Benjamin Cummings.                     Assessment Methods:
               2. Baltz RH, Demain AL, Davies JE (ed) (2010). Manual  Continuous Assessment:  40%
                  of  Industrial  Microbiology  and Biotechnology.3 rd  ed.  Final Examination:  60%
                  ASM Press.
               3. Black,  J.G  and  Black,  L.J.  (2013).  Microbiology.  8 th  Medium of Instruction:
                  Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Singapore.      English
                                                                Soft Skills:
               SIO 2002  ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY                   CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
               Definition  and  introduction  of  animal  biotechnology  in  Main References:
               general,  with  respect  to  animal  reproductivity, artificial  1. Rosna  Mat  Taha.  (2004).  Kultur  Tisu  Tumbuhan
               insemination  techniques  in  livestock  animal,  sperm  Berbunga. Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
               cryopreservation, production and application of vaccines.  2. Lindsey, K. Plant Tissue Culture Manual. (1991). Kluwer
                                                                  Academic Publishers:  Netherlands.
               Assessment Methods:                              3. Pierik,  R.L.M.  (1987). In vitro culture  of  Higher Plants.
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                        Martinus Nijhoff: Dodrecht.
               Final Examination:    60%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIO 2005  ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN
               English                                                   BIOTECHNOLOGY

               Soft Skills:                                     An introduction to the theory of basic laboratory techniques
               CS3, CT3, EM2                                    in  molecular  biology,  with  emphasis  on  basic  laboratory
                                                                functions  and  techniques.  This  course  concentrates  on
               Main References:                                 DNA structure and function along with techniques of DNA
               1. Alan, J. H. & Johnson, A. (1997). Animal   Biotechnology  analysis,  including  cloning,  restriction  digests,  and
                 and Ethics. Springer-Verlag.                   polymerase chain reaction.
               2. Renaville, R. & Burny, A. (eds). (2001). Biotechnology in
                 Animal Husbandry. Kluwer Academic Publishers.  Assessment Methods:
               3. Nagabhushanam, R.,  Diwan, A. D., Zahurnec, B. J. &  Continuous Assessment:  100%
                 Sarojini,  R.  (2004).  Biotechnology  of  Aquatic  Animals.
                 Science Publisher: USA.                        Medium of Instruction:

               SIO 2003  HIGHER PLANT PHYSIOLOGY                Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
               This course cover explaination of how plants function and
               grow.  Includes  metabolism  (photosynthesis,  respiration,  Main References:
               mineral nutrition), water relations, gas exchange, response  1. Skoog  DA,  West  DM,  Holler  FJ,  Crouch  SR    (2013)
               to  environmental  stresses,  growth  and  development  in  Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. 9 ed. Cengage
               response to environmental cues and biochemical control of  Learning.
               growth.                                          2. Watson  JD,  Baker  TA,  Gann  A,  Levine  M,  Losick  R
                                                                  (2014). Molecular Biology of the Gene. 7 Ed. Pearson.
               Assessment Methods:                              3. Yang  NS  (ed) (2011). Systems  and  Computational -
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                        Molecular and Cellular Experimental Systems. Intech.
               Final Examination:  60%
               Medium of Instruction:                           SIO 2006 ORAL COMMUNICATION AND
               English                                                  SCIENTIFIC WRITING
               Soft Skills:                                     Lessons will include learning the steps and rules of writing,
               CS4, CT3, TS3                                    understanding a scientific article and writing other related
                                                                important  documents  pertaining  to  working  requirements.
               Main References:                                 The  communication  part  will  include  basic  skills  in
               1. Davies,  P,  J.  (1995). Plant  Hormone  Physiology,  communications, different styles of speech such as public
                 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Kluwer Academics.  speaking,  impromptu  speech,  prepared  speech  and
               2. Mohr, H. (1995). Plant Physiology. Spring-Verlag.  debate.
               3. Raven, P.H., Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E. (2005). Biology
                 of Plants. (7th ed.) Worth Publishers          Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:  100%

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