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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018

               Assessment Methods:                              2. Robbins  &  Cotran  Pathologic  Basis  of  Disease,  8th
               Continuous Assessment:  40%                         Edition (2009). Saunders. ISBN:978-1-4160-3121-5,
               Final Examination:  60%                          3. Fundamentals  of  light  microscopy  and  imaging,
                                                                   Douglas B Murphy, (2001) John Wiley and Sons. ISBN
               Medium of Instruction:                              0-471-25391-X

               Soft Skills:                                     SIK 3017 MICROSCOPY METHODS IN HEALTH
               CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2                                       SCIENCE
               Main References:                                 This  comprehensive  course  on  microscopy  methods
               1. Textbook  of  Biochemistry  with  Clinical  Correlation.  introduces students to both the theory and practical use of
                  Thomas Devlin 5th Ed. Wiley-Liss              modern  microscopes.  The  course  features  principles,
               2. Clinical Biochemistry. An illustrated Colour Text.Gaw et  practice, and application of selected microscopy methods
                  al. 3rd. Churchill  Livingstone.              that  are  predominantly  useful  in  health  science-related
               3. Clinical  Chemistry.  Philip  D  Mayne.  6th  Ed.  Edward  research.  The  course  will  cover  introduction  to  optics,
                  Arnold. Oxford University Press Inc.          principles of image formation, light microscopy techniques,
               4. Introduction  to  Protein  Structure.  Carl  Branden  and  principles  of  fluorescence microscopy,  laser  scanning
                  John Tooze.Garland Publishing Inc.            confocal microscopy and electron microscopy. The lectures
               5. Anatomy and Toxonomy of Protein Structure. Jane. S.  are reinforced with laboratory sessions featuring instrument
                  Richardson. 1981.Adv. Prot. Chem. 34: 167-339  demonstrations as well as hands-on exercises in specimen
                                                                preparation  and  microscope  operation.  This  course  is
                                                                designed  to  afford  students  theoretical  background  and
               SIK 3015 GENETICS AND HUMAN HEALTH               experience in modern optical research tools.
               In  this  course,  students  will  learn  the  importance  of  cell  Assessment Methods:
               cycle fidelity and genome stability as well as their relation  Continuous Assessment:  50%
               to  the  pathophysiology  of  various  genetic  diseases  Final Examination:  50%
               including cancer. The principles of genetic toxicology and
               the diversity of techniques and tools employed in genetic  Medium of Instruction:
               toxicology will also be covered in this course. Students will  English
               also  learn  to  appraise  the  importance  and  suitability  of
               DNA-based technologies for human health improvement.  Soft Skills:
                                                                CS4, CT6, TS5, LL3
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:  60%                      Main References:
               Final Examination:  40%                          1. Spector DL & Goldman RD (2006) Basic Methods in
                                                                   Microscopy. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
               Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:                                     SIK 3018  PRIMARY METABOLISM
               CS4, CT3, EM2, KK1
                                                                The  course  consist  of  the  introduction  to  the  concept  of
               Main References:                                 control  and  regulation  of  metabolism.  The  control  and
               1. Snustad,  D.P.  &  Simmons,  M.J.  (2009).  Principles of  regulation carbohydrate,  lipid,  amino  acid,  purine  and
                 Genetics. 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, US.  pyrimidine  metabolism.  Integration  of  metabolism,
                                                                Connection  between  metabolic  pathway,  Hormones  and
                                                                the control metabolism.
               SIK 3016    HISTOPATHOLOGY
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Principles  of  histopathology.  Basic  histology  related  to  Continuous Assessment:  40%
               relevant  diseases.  Cell  injury,  necrosis,  apoptosis.  Final Examination:  60%
               Mechanisms   of   disease   processes,   inflammation,
               neoplasia. Research on diseases using animal models and  Medium of Instruction:
               histopathology. Laboratory  works  (i)  Study  of  features  English
               displayed  by  histopathological  slides.  (ii)  Use  of  various
               microscopy related facilities in identifying histopathological  Soft Skills:
               features of specific diseases. Image processing. (iii) Animal  CS1, CT2, LL1
               models of diseases.
                                                                Main References:
               Assessment Methods:                              1. Lubert   Stryer   (1995),   Biochemistry   4 th  ed.
               Continuous Assessment:  50%                         W.H.Freeman &Co.
               Final Examination:  50%                          2. Garrett,  Geginald  H.  (2005) Biochemistry 3 rd  ed.
                                                                   Belmont: Thomson Brook/Cole.
               Medium of Instruction:                           3. Garret  Reginal  H  (2006)  Biochemistry,  New  York:
               English                                             Thomson  Brooks/Cole.
                                                                4. Berg, Jeremy Mark (2005) Biochemistry and molecular
               Soft Skills:                                        biology 3 ed. Oxford University Press.
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2                               5. Campbell, Mary K. (2006) Biochemistry 5 ed. Belmont
                                                                   Califf: Thompson Brooks/Cole.
               Main References:                                 6. Berg, Jeremy Mark, (2007) Biochemistry 6 ed. New
               1. Wheater's Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review  York : W.H. Freeman.
                  of  Histopathology,  5th  Edition,  by Barbara  Young
                  (2009). Churchill Livingstone, ISBN: 978-0-443-06802-
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