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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
engineering as well as the issues surrounding genetically done by the student on the topics of immune reactions
modified plants. against selected diseases.
Assessment Methods: Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 60% Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 40% Final Examination: 50%
Medium of Instruction: Medium of Instruction:
English English
Soft Skills: Soft Skills:
CT3, CS2, LL2 CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
Main References: Main References:
1. Biochemistry (5th ed). Garrett & Grisham. 2012. USA. 1. Roitt, I.M. (2011). Roitt's essential immunology 12th
Cengage Learning. ed. Blackwell Pub, Malden, Mass.
2. Introducing to Plant Biotechnology (3rd ed). Chawla. 2. Abbas, A.K. (2012). Cellular and molecular
2012. New Delhi. Oxford & IBH Publishing Company. immunology 7th ed., Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
3. Plant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (4th ed). Hans 3. Abbas, A.K. (2014). Basic immunology: functions and
Walter Heldt. 2010. Hiedelberg/London/New York. disorders of the immune system 4th edition.
Elsevier Academic Press. 4. Paul, W.E. (2013). Fundamental immunology. 7 th
4. Plant Biotechnology: The genetic manipulation of edition. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott
plants. Slater A, Scott N and Fowler M. 2008. De Williams & Wilkins.
Montfort University. Oxford University Press. 5. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Antibody
5. Introducing to Plant Physiology (5th ed). Hopkins & Activity. edited by Falk Nimmerjahn. Springer
Huner. 2008. USA Wiley. eBooks, 2013.
This course is intended to introduce you to the field of
This course is designed to provide students with a sound neurochemistry. Basic neurochemistry includes study of the
understanding about specialised role and function of the chemical composition of the brain, brain metabolism and
physiological systems. Signs and symptoms that occur in the chemistry of neurotransmission. Major part of the
diseases in relation to disorders or changes in the body’s course will cover the chemistry of neural transmission and
physiological systems will also be discussed. chemical composition and metabolism. The discipline of
This course will also discuss the laboratory testing and behavioral neurochemistry includes topics that range from
associated analytical methods and test result interpretation study of the neurochemical mechanisms that underlie
as applied in the current clinical biochemistry laboratory. behavior that result from severe neurochemical
abnormalities. Throughout the course, the functional
Assessment Methods: aspects of all neurochemical mechanisms will be
Continuous Assessment: 60% discussed.
Final Examination: 40%
Assessment Methods:
Medium of Instruction: Continuous Assessment: 40%
English Final Examination: 60%
Soft Skills: Medium of Instruction:
CT3, LL2 English
Main References: Soft Skills:
1. Neighbors & Tannehill-Jones (2010), Human Diseases CS3, CT3, LL2
3 ed; Cengage Learning TM
2. AF Smith, GJ Beckett, SW Walker & PHW Rae Main References:
(2013), Clinical Biochemistry; 8 ed. Wiley. 1. A Primer of Drug Action, Julien, R. M., Worth
3. Thomas M Devlin (2010), Textbook of Biochemistry Publishers (2005).
with Clinical correlation; 7 ed. Wiley. 2. Basic Neurochemistry (Sixth Edition). Molecular,
4. Lauralee Sherwood (2007), Human Physiology 6 Ed: Cellular, and Medical Aspects by George J.
Thomson Learning. Siegel, Bernard W. Agranoff (Edits) 2012, Elsevier
5. Philip D Mayne (1994), Clinical Chemistry in diagnosis 3. Basic Neurochemistry, 8 ed., Brady et al., 2012
& treatment, 6 ed. Oxford University Press Inc, NY. 4. Neurobiology of Mental Illness, Charney, D.S.,
Nestler, E.J., Bunney, B.S. (eds.), Oxford University
Press, 1999. Ten chapters in this book have been
IMMUNOLOGY 5. The Biochemical Basis of
Neuropharmacology, Seventh Edition, Cooper, J.R.,
This course introduces the importance of immune system, Bloom, F.E., Roth, R.H., Oxford University Press,
component of immune system, different categories of 1996.
immune responses and their general properties. For
adaptive immune response, the course will also cover the
development of the lymphocytes and how they recognize SIJ 3007 MEMBRANE, HORMONE AND CELL
the invading microbes where the rearrangement of TCR SIGNALLING
and BCR genes will be discussed in detail. This will be This course will discuss the organization and structure of a
followed by the effector functions of the cells. Application of
immunology will also be covered. Short presentation will be membrane proteins, their function and the importance to