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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2017/2018
2 Day, R.A. 2011.How to write and publish a scientific the principles, applications and limitations of analytical
paper. 7 edition. Cambridge Univ Press techniques such as gas chromatography, high performance
3 Hall, G.M., 2012. How to write a paper. Wiley & liquid, ion, potentiometric, amperometric, coulometric,
Blackwell, Oxford, UK. electrogravimetric, voltametric, refractive index and
birefringence measurements
SIH 2003 SOIL SCIENCE Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Introduction to soil science. Soil function, soil factors and Final Examination: 60%
processes of soil formation. Physical, chemical and
biological properties of soils as they affect soil-plant- Medium of Instruction:
atmosphere relations, soil classification and suitability for English
agricultural and other uses.
Soft Skills:
Assessment Methods: CS2, CT3, EM2
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Main References:
1. Zeng, E.Y. (2015) Comprehensive Analytical
Medium of Instruction: Chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V.
English 2. Patnaik, P. (2010) Handbook of Environmental
Analysis: Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water, Soil and
Soft Skills: Solid Wastes, 2 Edn. London: CRC Press.
CS3, CT3,TS2 3. De, A.K. (2010) Environmental Chemistry. New Delhi:
New Age International.
Main References:
1. Plaster, E. 2008. Soil Science and Management (5th
edition). New York: Delmar Cengage Learning. SIH 2006 BIOLOGICAL MONITORING
2. Brady, N.C. and Weil, R.R. 2008. The Nature and
Properties of Soils (14th Edition). Upper Saddle Biological monitoring and pollution. Natural and cultural
River: Prentice Hall. environmental stress. Principles of biomonitoring:
3. Blume, H.P., Brümmer, G.W., Fleige, H., Horn,R., objectives, selection of methods, selection of bioindicating
Kandeler, E., Kögel-Knabner, I., Kretzschmar, organisms, data analyses and resource management.
R., Stahr, K., Wilke, B.M. 2015. Soil Science. Concepts of individual species, population and community
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. levels as bioindicators. Community structure and functional
KG. changes. Field investigation on environmental quality: data
analyses and biotic indices. Bioaccumulative indicators.
Practices of biomonitoring in environmental management in
SIH 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Malaysia. Practical on biomonitoring in aquatic and
terrestrial environments.
Definition of environment-related terms. Review of current
environmental problems. Types of pollutants and how they Assessment Methods:
affect the organisms and ecosystem. Pollution from Continuous Assessment: 40%
sediment, nutrients (eutrophication), hazardous materials, Final Examination: 60%
organics, and oil spills etc. The effects of pollution on
environmental and climatic factors. Medium of Instruction:
Greenhouse effect, acid rain and ozone depletion. A look English
at problems in waste disposal, energy use and
environmental management in general.. Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, EM2
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% Main References:
Final Examination: 60% 1. Jain KK 2010. The Handbook of Biomarkers. Humana
Medium of Instruction: 2. Jørgensen SE, Xu F-L, Costanza R. 2010. Handbook
English of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem.
CRC Press.
Soft Skills: 3. Oscoz J, Galicia D, Miranda R. 2011. Identification
CT3, LL1 Guide of Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Spain.
Main References:
1. Wright and Boorse (2013). Environmental Science:
Toward a Sustainable Future, 12th Edition. Prentice SIH 2007 PRINCIPLES OF WASTE MANAGEMENT
2. Miller and Spoolman (2013). Environmental Science. Introduction to types and sources of integrated waste
14 Edition. Cengage Learning. management. Management of waste through its quantity
3. Global Environment. and quality. Modern and conservative techniques in
integrated waste management. Organisation in waste
management. Waste hierarchy. Recycling activities and
SIH 2005 INSTRUMENTATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL laws and regulations of the solid waste management.
Assessment Methods:
This course addresses knowledge and understanding of Continuous Assessment: 40%
the separation, analytical spectroscopy and Final Examination: 60%
chromatography techniques used in environmental
chemical analysis. It will help the students to understand