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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

                3.   Brock  Biology  of  Microorganisms  (14th  ed):  Ed.   Medium of Instruction:
                    Madigan,  Martinko  &  Parker,  Publisher  Prentice   English
                    Hall. (2014)
                                                                Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS2, LL1, EM1
               SIR 3011    FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                                Main References:
               Elaborate   microbial   and   biochemical   aspects   in   1.   Brock  Biology  of  Microorganisms  (14th  ed):  Ed.
               fermentation  processing,  principles  and  kinetics  of   Madigan, Martinko & Parker, Publisher Prentice Hall.
               fermentation,  types  of  bioreactors  and  generation  of   (2014)
               fermentation products.                           2.   Processes in Microbial Ecology. Kirchman DL. (2012)
                                                                3.   Marine  Geochemistry.  Chester  R  and  Jickells  TD
               Assessment Methods:                                  (2012)
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:   60%
                                                                SIR 3014    ADVANCED VIROLOGY
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Interaction  between  virus  and cells  in culture;  Interaction
                                                                between  virus  and  host  organisms;  HIV  infection  and
               Soft Skills:                                     AIDS pathogenesis; Control of viral transmission through
               CS4, CT3, TS3, LS2, EM2, KK1                     vaccination;  Control  of  viral  transmission  and  disease
                                                                through  the  use  of  anti-virals;  Viruses  in  human  cancer;
               Main References:                                 Virus evolution; Practical classes.
               1.   Principles of Fermentation Technology by Peter
                   Stanbury & Alan Whitaker, Pergarmon Press, 3rd   Assessment Methods:
                   Edition (2016).                              Continuous Assessment:   40%
               2.   Chemistry and Technology of Yoghurt Fermentation,   Final Examination:   60%
                   by Baglio E, Springer, 2014.
               3.   Fermentation Microbiology & Biotechnology 3rd   Medium of Instruction:
                   edition by E. M. T. El-Mansi, C. F. A. Bryce, Arnold L.   English
                   Demain, A.R. Allman (2011).
                                                                Soft Skills:
                                                                CS6, CT4, TS4, LL2, EM1, LS1
                                                                Main References:
               The importance of microorganisms in recycling nutrients to   1.   Knipe, D.M & Howley, P. Fields Virology. 6th Edition
               reduce  the  use  of  chemicals  in  agriculture,  tillage,  soil   (2013). LWW. ISBN-13: 978-1451.
               fertility  management,  biological  processes  for  the   2.   Collier, L., Oxford, J., & Kellam, P. Human Virology,
               preparation of effective microbial culture, biogeochemical   4th  Edition  (2011).  Oxford  University  Press.  ISBN-
               cycles.                                              13: 978-0199570881 ISBN-10: 0199570884
                                                                 3.   Cann,  A.J.  Principles  of  Molecular  Virology,  Fifth
               Assessment Methods:                                  Edition (2011). Elsevier. ISBN-13: 978-0521289092
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                         ISBN-10: 012384939X
               Final Examination:   60%

               Medium of Instruction:                           SIR 3015  TECHNIQUES IN MOLECULAR
               English                                                  MICROBIOLOGY

               Soft Skills:                                     Principles  of  techniques  used  in  Molecular  Microbiology,
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2                     basic cloning procedures-DNA extraction, cloning vectors,
                                                                restriction enzymes, ligases, transformation. Expression of
               Main References:                                 cloned  genes.  Overview  of  various  techniques-nucleic
               1.  Subbarao,  N.S.  (1999).  Soil  Microbiology.  Science   acid  hybridisation,  PCR  based  methods,  restriction
                  Publishers: USA.                              fragment  length  polymorphism,  DNA  sequencing,  DNA
               2.  Subbarao,  N.S.  &  Dommergues,  Y.R.  (1998).   microarray, Application of techniques in different branches
                  Microbial  Interactions  in  Agriculture  and  Forestry.    of  Microbiology,  Bioinformatics  and  molecular  data
                  Science Publishers: USA.                      analysis.
               3.  Insan,  H.I.,  Riddech,  N.  &  Klammer,  S.  (2002).
                  Microbiology of Composting. Springer-Verlag.   Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%

               SIR 3013    MARINE AND ESTUARINE MICROBIOLOGY    Medium of Instruction:
               Sampling   techniques   and   seawater   analysis.
               Characteristics of marine and estuarine habitats. Bacteria,   Soft Skills:
               algae,  protozoa,  zooplankton,  virus  and  fungi  in  seas.   CS4, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM1, LS1
               Microbial interactions in marine and estuarine ecosystems.
               Nutrient  cycles  (C,  N,  P,  Si)  in  marine  ecosystems.   Main References:
               Microbiology  and  geochemistry  of  mangrove  and  coral   1.   Microbiology Principles and Explorations. 8  Ed. JG
               reef ecosystems.                                     Black. Wiley (2012).
                                                                 2.   Microbiology An Introduction Tortora, Funke, Case.
               Assessment Methods:                                  11  Ed. Pearson Benjamin Cummings (2013)
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                      3.   Microbiology  3   Ed.  R.  Bauman.  2012  Pearson
               Final Examination:   50%                             International Edition. Benjamin Cummings.

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