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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
immune response with the cytokines as regulators, and SIR 3004 SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION IN
helper T cells in their central function with the complement MICROBIOLOGY
system as the main effector component.
Introduction to the concepts and principles of
Assessment Methods: communication, application of communication techniques
Continuous Assessment: 40% in Microbiology, preparation of reports and abstracts,
Final Examination: 60% learning techniques of writing.
Medium of Instruction: Assessment Methods:
English Continuous Assessment: 100%
Soft Skills: Medium of Instruction:
CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2 English
Main References:
Main References: CS5, CT4, TS3, LL2, EM2, LS1
1. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 8 ed. Abul K.
Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman (2014). Main References:
2. Kuby Immunology. Owen J, Punt J, Stranford S. 1. Scientific Integrity: Text and Cases in Responsible
(2013) Conduct of Research, 4th ed., ASM Press, 2014.
3. Janeway’s Immunobiology. Murphy K (2011). 2. The craft of Scientific Presentations:critical Steps to
Suceed and Critical Errors to Avoid, 2nd ed.,
Springer, 2013
SIR 3001 RESEARCH PROJECT IN MICROBIOLOGY 3. Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers,
Proposals and Presentations, 2nd ed., Oxford
Introduction to the concepts and principles of research in University Press, USA, 2013.
Microbiology, lab safety and risk assessment, application
of statistics and various laboratory techniques in
microbiology, preparation of report and abstract, oral SIR 3005 INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL
presentation, thesis writing. MICROBIOLOGY
Assessment Methods: Understanding the role of microbes and its biochemistry
Continuous Assessment: 100% for processing industrial products, microbiological
principles in biogeochemical cycle, use of biosensors and
Medium of Instruction: biochips in industrial and environmental microbiological
English processes, application of intellectual property principles in
Industrial and Environmental Microbiology.
Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, TS1, YS2, LL1, EM2, LS2 Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Main References: Final Examination: 60%
1. Biological Risk Assessment form, IBBC (2015) UM.
2. UM Policy and Procedure on Laboratory Biosafety Medium of Instruction:
and Biosecurity (2015). English
3. Buku Panduan Keselamatan Makmal UM (2014).
Soft Skills:
CS4, CT4, TS3, KK1, EM2, LS1
Main References:
Environmental microbiology (2015)edited by Ian L.
This course aims to provide a better fit between our Pepper, Charles P. Gerba, Terry J. Gentry, 3rd
graduating students and the needs of industry. Industrial ed.2015.
training placement is organized not only to provide
students with the necessary experience and exposure 2. Developments in Industrial Microbiology (2013) by
related to their field of specialization but also to offer 3. Saul Rich
Environmental Microbiology (2011) by Keya Sen &
potential employers an opportunity to evaluate and train Nicholas J Ashbolt
future employees.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100% SIR 3006 PUBLIC HEALTH MICROBIOLOGY
Science of Epidemiology including methods in
Medium of Instruction: epidemiological study. Disease transmission, types of
reservoirs of infectious agents. Emerging and reemerging
Soft Skills: infectious diseases. Microbiology of water supply and
public health . Prevention and control of infectious
CS4, CT3, TS3, EM3 diseases especially foodborne infections. Concepts and
applications of molecular epidemiology.
Main References:
1. Respective Industrial Training supervisors
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination:
Medium of Instruction: