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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIL 3002    INDUSTRIAL TRAINING IN GENETICS AND   receptor,  G  protein  coupled  receptors,  enzyme  linked
                         MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                      receptors, non-receptor enzymes in signalling and second
               The course provides students with an exposure to work at
               a  diagnostic  or  research  laboratory  outside  of  the   Assessment Methods:
               university’s environment. Students are able to observe the   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               application  of  information  from  university  courses  and  to   Final Examination:   60%
               use  it  in  the  course  of  their  attachment  to  these
               laboratories.                                    Medium of Instruction:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment:       100%                Soft Skills
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Main References:
                                                                1. Krauss,  et  al.  Biochemistry  of  signal  transduction  and
               Soft Skills                                        regulation. Third Edition, Wiley.
               CS3, CT2, TS3, LL2                               2. Other text books will be referred to.

               SIL 3004    ADVANCED GENETICS                    SIL 3006    DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS

               Gene mutation, the Luria-Delbrück fluctuation test, the ClB   This course focuses on concepts and understanding of
               chromosome, the Ames test for mutagenicity, trinucleotide   developmental  biology  with  an  emphasis  on  molecular
               repeat  expansion,  DNA  repair  systems:  direct  repair,   genetics.  The  topics  covered  are:  overview  of  animal
               nucleotide and base excision repair, mismatch repair, and   development,  early  stages  of  embryonic  development,
               recombinational  repair,  sister  chromatid  exchange,   basic  concept  in  developmental  genetics,  regulation  and
               harlequin  chromosomes,  homologous  recombination:  the   differential  gene  expression,  molecular  genetics  of
               Holliday  model,  the  Meselson-Radding  model,  and  the   pattern formation in Drosophila, development fate of each
               double-stranded  break  model,  gene  conversion,  site-  cell in C. elegens, sex determination in yeast, Drosophila
               specific  recombination,  transposition:  Ds  and  Ac,   and mammals, genetic specification of floral organ identity
               transposons:  insertion  sequence,  complex  transposon,   Arabidopsis, stem cell, and ethical issues.
               and  composite  transposon,  transposon  tagging,  non-
               Mendelian  inheritance:  maternal  effect,  epigenetic   Assessment Methods:
               inheritance (dosage compensation and genomic imprinting   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               -  Prader-Willi  syndrome  and  Angelman  syndrome,   Final Examination:   60%
               uniparental  disomy:  isodisomy  and  hetrerodisomy),  and
               extranuclear   or   cytoplasmic   inheritance   (maternal   Medium of Instruction:
               inheritance, pigmentation trait in plants, male-sterility trait,   English
               petite  traits:  segregational  petite  mutants  and  vegetative
               petite  mutants  -  neutral  petites  and  suppressive  petites,   Soft Skills
               chloroplast  inheritance  in  Chlamydomonas,  uniparental   CS3, CT2, TS3, LL2
               inheritance), evolution of the concept of the gene: function
               and structure, the complementation test, the cis-trans test,   Main References:
               homoalleles   and    heteroalleles,   intragenic   1.   Developmental  biology  (10th  edition).  Scott  F.
               complementation,  limitations  on  the  use  of  the   Gilbert. 2013. Sinauer Associates, Inc.
               complementation test.                            2.   Principles  of  Development  (4th  edition).  Lewis
                                                                    Wolpert  and  Cheryll  Tickle.  2010.  Oxford  University
               Assessment Methods:                                  Press.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     3.   Molecular Biology of the Cell (5th edition). Alberts B,
               Final Examination:   60%                             Johnson A, Lewis J, et. al. 2007.  Garland Science.

               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          SIL 3007    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS

               Soft Skills                                      Introduction to basic principles and current advancements
               CT3, CS2, LL2                                    in plant molecular biology. This course covers theoretical
                                                                and  practical  aspects  that  form  the  bases  of  current
               Main References:                                 approaches  in  plant  improvement  and  biotechnology,
               1. Principles  of  Genetics  4th  Edition  (Snustad  and   including genetic engineering. Lectures include: structure,
                 Simmons). Wiley Publications                   organisation  and  regulation  of  plant  genes  and  cell
               2. Genetic Analysis and Principles (Brooker)     signalling in plant cells; molecular biology of plastids and
               3. Other Basic Genetics text books               chloroplasts;   organisation   of   mitochondrial   DNA;
                                                                molecular  biology  of  nitrogen  metabolism;  molecular
                                                                biology  of  development;  cell  signalling,  molecular  plant-
               SIL 3005    FROM CELL TO SYSTEM                  pathogen interactions, marker assisted breeding and plant
                                                                genomics. Related practicals will be given.
               This is an advanced course covering the following topics
               of cellular and molecular biology of eukaryotes: revision of   Assessment Methods:
               the  cell  cycle  and  the  molecular  basis  of  cell  cycle   Continuous Assessment:   40%
               regulation,  apoptosis  pathways,  modes  of  cell  signalling,   Final Examination:   60%
               signalling   molecules   and   their   receptors,   signal
               transduction, signalling pathways, types of cell surface    Medium of Instruction:

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