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P. 107
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
CS3, CT3
This course looks into the various approaches and
Main References: technologies that can be employed in answering research
1. Buchanan, Grusseim and Jones (2006) Biochemistry questions and contribute towards the development of field
and MolecularBiology of Plants, Pbls. John Wiley and of genetics. The course will also discuss the strength and
sons (UK) ISBN 09430088399. weaknesses of each of these technologies, and underlines
2. Genes IX, Benjamin Lewin (2007) the limitations on using these technologies.
3. Information in Spectrum
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Medium of Instruction:
This course starts by looking at the content and English
organisation of the human genome. It involves describing
the gene-related sequences (genes, introns, exons, Soft Skills
regulatory regions, pseudogenes etc) and non-gene- CS4, CT3, LL2, ET2
related sequences (unique to highly repetitive classes).
The student is then introduced to the Human Genome Main References:
Project and the processes involved. It includes physical 1. Genome Analysis and Bioinformatics: A Practical
and genetic mapping. The second part will focus on the Approach (2009), Sharma, T. R.
methods of medical genetic research, with old and new 2. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis
techniques. This includes functional cloning, positional (2006), David Mount.
cloning and candidate gene approaches (functional 3. Analysis of Genes and Genomes (2004), Richard J.
candidacy, positional candidacy, mutation screening Reece.
methods). At the end of the course, students will be
familiarised with current issues and research technology
which includes SNP analysis, microarray and proteomics. SIL 3011 APPLICATIONS OF RECOMBINANT DNA
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40% This is an advanced course covering applications of
Final Examination: 60% recombinant DNA technology to medicine, agriculture,
industry and research. Health care: diagnostics for
Medium of Instruction: infectious and genetic disease, gene therapy, vaccine
English development, RNAi. Agriculture: Transgenic plant
technology, transgenic mitigation. Forensic: genetic
Soft Skills means of identification. Industrial and Pharmceutical:
CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2 various eukaryotic production systems (yeast, insect,
plant, mammalian), prokaryotic production (E.coli).
Main References: Research: gene discovery and isolation, mutagenesis,
1. Human Molecular Genetics (Strachan & Read) proof of gene function, development of new technologies
2. Introduction to Human Genetics (Gustavo Maroni) (across many fields).
Assessment Methods:
SIL 3009 EPIGENETICS AND GENE REGULATION Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
This course will provide a basic understanding of the role
of epigenetics in gene regulation. Topics will include Medium of Instruction:
chromatin remodelling, histone modifications, DNA English
methylation, the importance of epigenetics in normal
cellular functions, evidence for epigenetics involvement in Soft Skills
disease. CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
Assessment Methods: Main References:
Continuous Assessment: 40% 1. Molecular Biotechnology, principles and applications
Final Examination: 60% of recombinant DNA 4th edition. Glick BR & JJ
Pasternak 2009 (ASM Press)
Medium of Instruction: 2. Other recommended materials during lectures
CS4, CT2, TS3, LL3
The course gives an understanding on cancer and why it
Main References: is seen as a much feared disease worldwide. The initial
1. Epigenetics, C. David Allis, Thomas Jenuwein, and development and treatment of cancer will be discussed. A
Danny Reinberg (2007) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory current review will be given from up-to-date journal
Press papers. This course is most relevant to a genetics student,
2. Epigenetics, Lyle Armstrong (2014) Garland Science as various evidence points to cancer as having a genetic
group risk factor that can transform cells from a benign to a
3. Cancer Epigenetics, Edited by Trygve Tollefsbol cancerous state.
(2009).CRC press, Taylor & Francis group
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%