Page 108 - buku panduan 20192020
P. 108
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
Medium of Instruction: immunodeficiency diseases. 6. The current therapeutic
English status and protection with a focus on vaccines for the
undesired immune responses.
Soft Skills
CS3, CT2, TS3, LL2 Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Main References: Final Examination: 60%
1. Immunology 5th edition Richard A. Goldsby, Thomas
J. Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne and Janis Kuby Medium of Instruction:
2. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 7th edition Abul English
K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman & Shiv Pillai
3. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Soft Skills
Disease 4th edition Charles A. Janeway, Paul CS3 ,CT3, TS2, LL2
Travers, Mark Walport and J Donald Capra
4. The Biology of Cancer. Robert A.Weinberg (2006). Main References:
Garland Science Textbooks 1. Immunology 5th edition Richard A. Goldsby, Thomas
5. Journals J. Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne and Janis Kuby
2. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 7th edition Abul
K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman & Shiv Pillai
SIL 3013 GENETICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY OF 3. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and
VIRUSES Disease 4th edition, Charles A. Janeway, Paul
Travers, Mark Walport and J Donald Capra
This course will involve theoretical and practical skills
related to the genetics and the biotechnological
application of viruses. Topics will include the biology and SIL 3015 CURRENT TOPICS IN GENETICS AND
genetics of plant, animal and medically important viruses MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
and their importance in human lives and activities. Virus
life cycles and diversity will be compared and discussed This couse will expose the students to methods in writing,
together with the mechanisms of transmission and control, presenting and scientific discourse through current issues
especially related to medicine and agriculture. The use of in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Through this approach
viruses and viral genes in biotechnology ranging from the student will be exposed to issues in bioethics,
research and therapeutic use to applications in agriculture biosafety, biocommunication as well as legal and social
and industry will also be discussed. issues. In addition to lectures and tutorials, students will
also be assigned to collect and analyse information on
Assessment Methods: various current topics(such as gene theraphy, genetic
Continuous Assessment: 40% fingerprinting, genetics in forensics, stem cell research,
Final Examination: 60% RNAi, genome projects, the patenting of life forms etc)
and be required to discuss critically the topic through the
Medium of Instruction: writing of an essay and a class presentation.
Assessment Methods:
Soft Skills Continuous Assessment: 100%
CS1, CT2, TS3, LL3
Medium of Instruction:
Main References: English
1. Structure and Physics of Viruses: An Integrated
Textbook Series: Subcellular Biochemistry, Vol. 68 Soft Skills
Mateu, Mauricio G. (Ed.) 2013, Springer. ISBN 978- CS4, CT3, TS3, EM2, LS2
94-007-6552-8 2.
2. Understanding Viruses (Second Edition)Teri Shors Main References:
(Ed), 2013. Jones and Bartlett. ISBN-13: Lecture notes, references in the library and e- reading
9781449648923 materials.
3. Review papers and journal articles will be supplied
via course webpage
The course gives an understanding of the importance of
the failure and deficiency of the immune system in
providing protection. The introduction will focus on various Career Prospects
major components of the immune system and in situations The career prospects for graduates of this program are
when it fails in its function as a result in deficiency of its wide. Graduates will have opportunities to be employed in
various components, and the different resulting the public or private sector.
manifestation in the host. These resulting immune failure
diseases will be discussed: 1. The importance of a Public sector:
balance between tolerance and autoimmunity; 2. In certain Research Officer (Q41) in various ministries/ department;
situation, when cells do not respond in the correct manner Science Officer (C41) in various ministries/ department;
to growth, resulting in tumour or cancer. 3. The Adminitrative Officer (N41) in various ministries/
importance and understanding of transplant immunology department;
as a cure for certain diseases with organ or cell function Training Officer (E41) in various ministries/ department;
failures. 4. The undesired effects resulting from reactions Quality Controller in various ministries/ Environmental
of effector molecules in hypersensitivity or allergy. 5. The Department / Agriculture;
inability of the immune system to protect the host from Postgraduates in Public Institutions of Higher Learning;
various congenital and acquired (such as AIDS) Graduate school teachers in government schools.