Page 101 - buku panduan 20192020
P. 101
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
2. Schumann , G.L. and D’Arcy, C.J. (2009). Essential Main References:
plant pathology, 2 Edition. American 1. Jennings, S., Kaiser, M. J., & Reynolds, J. D. (2001).
Phytopathology Society. Marine Fisheries Ecology. Blackwell Publishing. 417
3. Strouts , R.G, and Winter, T.G. (2013). Diagnosis of pp.
ill-health in trees, 2 Edition. Arboricuhural 2. Haddon, M. (2011). Modelling and Quantitative
Association. Methods in Fisheries, Second Edition. Chapman and
4. Buczacki , S.T. and Harris, K. (2014). Pests, Hall/CRC. 465 pp.
diseases and disorders of garden plants, 4 Edition. 3. Pillay, T. V. R. & Kutty, M. N. (2005). Aquaculture:
William Collins. Principles and Practices. Blackwell Publishing, 624
5. Greenwood, P. and Halstead, A. (2003). Pests and pp.
diseases. Dorling Kindersley Ltd. 4. Jana, B. B. & Webster, C. C. (2003). Sustainable
Aquaculture: Global Perspectives. Haworth Press.
365 pp.
Introduction to Horticulture and Landscaping. Important SIE 3012 PARASITOLOGY
horticulture food and non-food crops are included. Aspects
of propagation, cultivation, growth media, environmental This course is to develop the students skill in classification
parameters, plant disease and control, etc. are discussed. of parasite and to empower concepts of parasitology.
Various aspects of landscaping are also discussed. Students should be able to describe the principles of
parasitology. Students will be equiped with the skills of
Assessment Methods: collect and prepare parasite.
Continuous Assessment: 50%
Final Examination: 50% Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Medium of Instruction: Final examination: 50%
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills: English
CS3, TS2, LL2
Soft Skills:
Main References: CS3, CT2, TS1
1. Boo, C.M., Kartini, OH, and Ou-Yang, C.L. (2006).
1001 Garden Plants in Singapore. National Park’s Main References:
Publication. (2 edition) 1. Piekarski, G. (2011). Medical Parasitology. Springer
2. Bryant, G. (2006). Plant propagation A to Z : growing –Verlag, 363 pp.
plants for free. New York, USA. Firefly books 2. Chernin, J. (2000). Parasitology. CRC Press, 152 pp.
3. Agrios, G.N. (2005). Plant pathology. Burlington, MA, 3. Rollinson, D. (Ed.). (2013). Advances in parasitology.
USA, Academic Press (5th edition Vol. 82. Academic Press, 400 pp.
4. Holttum, R.E. & Enoch, I (1997).Gardening in the 4. Foreyt, W. J. (2002). Veterinary parasitology 5
tropics. Times Editions. Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 248 pp.
5. Hydro One Networks, Plant Wisely, Save Energy 5. Smyth, J. D. (1995). Introduction to Animal
Too, available at Parasitology 3 Edition. Cambridge University Press, 572 pp.
This course will provide a solid foundation in economic
Introduction and overview of local and global fisheries and entomology, emphasizing life-history, ecological and
aquaculture. Basis of fisheries and aquaculture. Linkage evolutionary factors which make certain species pests or
between fisheries production and primary productivity. beneficial insects. The course will cover insect diversity,
Single species versus multi species stock assessment. taxonomy and classification, beneficial insects, medically
Estimation of key fish stock parameters. Ecosystem based important insects, urban pest, agricultural pests, insects
fisheries management. Farm designs and species as models in science and conservation.
selection in aquaculture. Sustainable practices and future
areas of research. Socio-economics and management of Assessment Methods:
fisheries and aquaculture. Latest issues in fisheries and Continuous Assessment : 60%
aquaculture. Final Examination : 40%
Assessment Methods: Medium of Instruction:
Continuous Assessment: 60% English
Final Examination: 40%
Soft Skills:
Medium of Instruction: CS3, CT2, LL2
Main References:
Soft Skills: 1. Pedigo,L.P. & M.E. Rice (2006). Entomology and
CS3, CT3, LL2 Pest Management, 5th. Edition. Prentice Hall NJ