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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIC2001  INORGANIC CHEMISTRY II                thermodynamic enolates; lithium enolates in alkylation of
                                                              ketones,  esters,  acids;  alkylation  of  -dicarbonyl
               Coordination chemistry: Coordinate bond, types of ligands,   compounds  for  example  acetic  ester  and  malonic  ester
               coordination  number,  nomenclature,  isomerism  and   synthesis;  alkylation  of  nitriles,  nitroalkanes  and  1,3-
               chirality, Werner's theory, valence bond theory, magnetic   dithianes; alkylation of enamines.
               properties,  crystal  field  theory,  ligand  field  theory,  Jahn-
               Teller  effect,  tetrahedral  complex,  octahedral  complex,   Enolate  ion  addition/condensation  reactions:  aldols,
               tetragonal  distortion,  electronic  spectra,  Orgel  diagram   crossed  aldol,  intramolecular  aldol,  such  as  Mukaiyama
               and Tanabe-Sugano diagram.                     aldol,  Claisen,  crossed  Claisen,  intramolecular  Claisen
                                                              (Dieckmann), Knoevenagel, acylation of enamines, etc.
               Molecular  Symmetry:  Symmetry  elements,  symmetry
               operations, point groups, stereographic projections, group   Conjugate  addition  of  enolates,  for  example,  Michael
               theory,  transformation matrices,  reducible  representation,   addition,  enamines  in  conjugate  addition;  Robinson
               irreducible representation, character tables, application in   annulation, Mannich reaction, etc.
               IR and Raman spectroscopies and chiral molecules.
                                                              Preparation and use of silyl enol ethers, aza-enolates, and
               Metal  chemistry:  Occurrence,  methods  of  extraction,   enamines, as enol equivalents.
               chemical  reactions  and  applications  of  metals,  chemistry
               of block d and f metals                        Assessment Methods:
                                                              Practical:           25%
               Assessment Methods:                            Continuous assessment:    15%
               Practical:            25%                      Final examination:      60%
               Continuous assessment:    15%
               Final examination:    60%                      Medium of instruction:
               Medium of instruction:
               English                                        Soft skills:
                                                              CT2, CT3
               Soft skills:
               CT1-3                                          References:
                                                              1. T. W.  G.  Solomons,  Organic  Chemistry,  8   ed., Wiley,
               References:                                     2004.
               1.  D.  F.  Shriver,  P.  W.  Atkins,  and  C.  H.  Langford,   2. J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, 5  ed. Brooks/Cole.
                 Inorganic  Chemistry,  2   ed.,  Oxford  University  Press,   3. R.  M.  Silverstein,  F.  X.  Webster,  Spectrometric
                 1996.                                         Identification of Organic Compounds, Wiley
               2.  F.  A.  Cotton  &  G.  Wilkinson,  Advanced  Inorganic   4. Kamaliah  Mahmood,  Noorsaadah  Abd.  Rahman,
                 Chemistry, 5  ed., John Wiley, 1988.          Kaedah  Kimia  dalam  Pengenalpastian  Sebatian
               3. R.  L.  Carter,  Molecular  Symmetry  and  Group  Theory,   Organik, Penerbit Univ. Malaya.
                 John Wiley, 1998.                            5. P.  Crews,  J.  Rodriguez,  M  Jaspars,  Organic  Structure
               4. N.  N.  Greenwood  &  A.  Earnshaw,  Chemistry  of  the   Analysis,  Oxford  University  Press,  New  York,  Oxford,
                 Element, Pergamon Press, 1984.                1998.
               5. G. L. Meisller & D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3  ed.,
                 Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
                                                              SIC2003  PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II

               SIC2002  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II                  Quantum Chemistry
                                                              The  origin  of  quantum  theory;  Postulates  and  general
               Preparation  and  reactions  of  alkyl  halides:  nucleophilic   principles of quantum mechanics: wavefunction, operator,
               aliphatic substitution: S N1, S N2; and elimination reactions:   eigenfunction, eigenvalue, probability, average value and
               E1, E2.                                        Schrodinger  equation;  Dynamic  and  motion  of  simple
                                                              microscopic  systems:  translational  motion,  harmonic
               Preparation  and  reactions  of  alcohols  (hydroboration,   oscillator and vibrational motion, angular momentum and
               oxymercuration-demercuration, etc.), phenols, aryl halides   rotational  motion;  Electronic  structures  of  hydrogen  like
               and  nucleophilic  aromatic  substitution,  ethers  and   atoms  and many-electron  atoms:  hydrogen  atom,  atomic
               epoxides, thiols and sulfides;                 orbital,  Pauli  principle,  aufbau  principle,  Hund's  rules,
                                                              electron  configuration,  Slater  determinant,  angular
               Use  of  organometallic  reagents  (RLi,  RMgX,  R 2CuLi)  in   momentum  coupling,  atomic  terms,  spin-orbit  and  other
               synthesis amines and nitrogen-containing compounds.   interactions, symmetry, atomic spectra and selection rules.

               Carbonyl  chemistry:  preparation  and  reactions  of   Chemical Kinetics
               aldehyde  and  ketones,  nucleophilic  addition  at  carbonyl   Complex  reactions.  Collision  between  molecules,  gas
               carbon;                                        transport  phenomenom.  Collsion  theory  of  uni,  bi  and
                                                              trimolecular  gas  reactions.  Introduction  to  reaction  rate
               Carboxylic  acids  and  nitriles,  carboxylic  acid  derivatives   theory.
               and nucleophilic acyl substitution; difunctional compounds
               – keto acids, hydroxy acids/esters, and lactones.   Chemical Thermodynamics
                                                              Second   law   of   thermodynamics.   Thermodynamic
               Acidity  of  the  -hydrogen  in  carbonyl  compounds;  enol-  properties  of  multi  component  mixtures.  Equilibrium  of
               keto tautomerism;                              chemical  reactions.  Phase  equilibrium:  phase  transition
               Reactions  which  proceed  via  enols  and  enolate  ions:   and  classification;  phase  rule,  phase  diagram  for  multi
               racemization,  -halogenation  of  aldehydes  and  ketones,   component system  (liquid-vapour,  liquid-liquid  and  liquid-
               base-catalysed halogenation (haloform reaction).   solid) and applications.

               Enolate ion alkylation: use of lithium enolates in alkylation,
               regioselective   enolate   formation:   kinetic   and

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