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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIC2006  MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY                Mass Spectrometry
                                                              EIMS – molecular ions, isotope peaks, and fragment ions;
               Basic Spectroscopy. Vibrational, rotational, electronic   HREIMS  and  determination  of  molecular  formula  (dual-
               and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.   sector,   double-focussing   instruments);   principal
                                                              fragmentation  patterns  in  major  classes  of  organic
               Interaction of matters withd radiation. Transition between   compounds,  McLafferty  rearrangement  and  retro-Diels-
               quantum  states;  factors  affecting  intensity  and  width  of   Alder  processes;  Modern  MS  methods,  ionization
               spectral  lines.  Experimental  setup.  Rotational,  vibrational   techniques:  e.g., CI-, APCI-, FD-, FAB-, DART, ESI-, and
               and  rotational-vibrational  spectroscopy.  Introduction  of   MALDI-MS;  analyzers:  Quadrupole,  Ion  Trap,  TOF;
               Raman  effect.  Electronic  spectroscopy  of  atoms  and   Hyphenated  techniques:  GC-  and  LC-MS:  Common
               molecules;  electronic  term  symbols  for  atoms  and   instrument  configurations:  e.g.,  GC-EIMS,  GC-TOF-,  LC-
               molecules.  Basics  of  diatomic  and  polyatomic  molecular   ESI-TOF-,  LC-ESI-Q-TOF-,  LC-MALDITOF-,  and  LC-
               electronic spectroscopy.                       MALDITOF-TOF-MS.
               Magnetic  nuclei  in  an  external  magnetic  field.  FT  NMR
               experiments.  Boltzman  distribution  and  population  of   Application  of  combined  techniques  in  organic  structure
               energy levels. Relaxation processes and width of spectral   determination.
               lines.  High  resolution  NMR  spectra:  chemical  shift  and
               spin-spin coupling. First-order and second-order spectrum.   Assessment Methods:
               Exchange  processes.  Double  resonance  experiments.   Continuous assessment:    30%
               NMR spectra of solids.                         Final examination:      70%

               Assessment Methods:                            Medium of instruction:
               Continuous assessment:    30%                  English
               Final examination:      70%
                                                              Soft skills:
               Medium of instruction:                         CT1-3
               Soft skills:                                   1. R.  M.  Silverstein,  F.  X.  Webster,  D.  J.  Kiemle,
               CT1-3                                           Spectroscopic  identification  of  organic  compounds,  7 th
                                                               ed., John Wiley, 2005.
               References:                                    2. Kamaliah  Mahmood  dan  Noorsaadah  Abd  Rahman,
               1. C.   N.   Banwell,   Fundamentals   of   Molecular   Kaedah  Kimia  dalam  pengenalpastian  Sebatian
                 Spectroscopy, McGraw Hill, 1994.              Organik, Penerbit University of Malaya, 1998.
               2. P. W. Atkins, J. D. Paula, Physical Chemistry, 11  ed.,   3. P. Crews, J. Rodriguez, M. Jaspars, Organic structure
                 Oxford University Press, 2018.                analysis,  2   ed.,  Oxford  University  Press,  New  York,
               3. P.  J.  Hore,  Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance,  Oxford   2009.
                 University Press, 1995.                      4. D.  Williams,  I.  Flemming,  Spectroscopic  methods  in
               4. M. Diem, Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy, John Wiley,   organic chemistry, 6  ed., McGraw-Hill, 2007.
                 1993.                                        5. D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kritz, J. A. Vyvyan,
               5.  R.  J.  Silbey,  R.  A.  Alberty,  M.  G.  Bawendi,  Physical   Introduction to spectroscopy, 4 ed., Cengage, 2009.
                 Chemistry, 4  ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2005.
                                                              SIC2008  BIOMOLECULES

               SIC2007  SPECTROSCOPIC  METHODS  IN  ORGANIC   Carbohydrates: mono-, oligo-, polysaccharides – structure,
               CHEMISTRY                                      classification, nomenclature, reactions and analysis.

               IR Spectroscopy                                Lipids  and  terpenes:  fatty  acids,  acyl  glycerols,
               Characteristic group absorptions in organic molecules.   prostaglandins, terpenoids, steroids – structure, reactions,
                                                              and biological relevance.
               UV Spectroscopy
               Electronic  transitions  and  common  chromophores  in   Proteins: amino acids, peptides, and proteins – structure,
               organic  compounds;  Beer-Lambert  Law  and  Woodward-  synthesis and degradation analysis.
               Fieser Rules.
                                                              Nucleic Acids: DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis.
               NMR Spectroscopy
               Brief theory and origin of the NMR experiment; CW- and   Assessment Methods:
               modern  pulsed  FT-NMR;  H-NMR:  the  chemical  shift:   Continuous assessment:    30%
               inductive  and  anisotropic  effects;  Spin-spin  coupling:   Final examination:      70%
               geminal and vicinal coupling, Karplus equation; examples
               of  H- H splitting patterns; allylic and long-range coupling;   Medium of instruction:
               techniques for improving the NMR spectrum: use of shift   English
               reagents;  homonuclear-decoupling;  effect  of  higher  field
               strengths, etc.; Chirality and NMR: chiral resolving agents;   Soft skills:
               13 C-NMR: natural abundance of  C and use of pulsed FT   CT1-3
               techniques;  the  C  NMR  spectrum:  completely-coupled,
               completely-decoupled; off-resonance-decoupled; APT and   References:
               DEPT  spectra.  Carbon  chemical  shifts  and  functional   1. P. Y. Bruice, Organic Chemistry, 5  ed., Pearson, 2007.
               groups.                                        2. H. S. Stoker, General, Organic and Biological
                                                               Chemistry. 5  ed., Brooks/Cole, 2010.
               2D-NMR: COSY, HETCOR/HMQC/HSQC, and HMBC for   3. T. K. Lindhorst, Essentials of Carbohydrate Chemistry
               establishing  molecular  connectivity;  1-D  NOE  and  2-D   and Biochemistry, 3  ed., Wiley, 2006.
               NOESY for determination of stereochemistry.     4. F.D. Gunstone, J. L. Harwood, A. J. Dijkstra, The Lipid
                                                               Handbook, 3  ed., CRC Press, 2007.

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