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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Stereochemistry:  Introduction  to  asymmetric  synthesis,   Chemical Kinetics and the Dynamics of Reactions
               axial  chirality,  importance  of  enantiopure  compounds,   Diffusion  controlled  reactions.  Activated  complex  theory
               chiral  pool;  selected  examples  of  asymmetric  synthesis   and  reactions  in  solutions.  The  dynamics  of  molecular
               including hydroboration, hydride reduction, hydrogenation,   collisions. The kinetics of fast reactions. Thermodynamics
               epoxidation, dihydroxylation, and aminohydroxylation, use   and  kinetics  of  adsorption.  Structure,  Stability  and
               of  chiral  auxiliaries  in  enolate  alkylation,  crossed-aldol   reactivity in different state of matter. The properties of non-
               additions, and Diels-Alder cycloaddition, etc.    equilibrium.

               Selected  total  syntheses  of  biologically-active  natural   Assessment Methods:
               products  of  contemporary  significance  (e.g.,  taxoids;   Practical:        25%
               macrolides,  e.g.,  epothilones;  Catharanthus  bisindoles;   Continuous assessment:    15%
               prostanoids; steroids; etc.).                  Final examination:      60%

               Physical  organic  concepts  and  methods  in  the   Medium of instruction:
               determination  of  reaction  mechanisms:  product  studies,   English
               intermediates,  stereochemistry,  energetics  and  kinetics,
               isotope  effects  (non-kinetic  and  kinetic),  and,  linear  free   Soft skills:
               energy relationships.                          CT1-3

               Assessment Methods:                            References:
               Practical:            25%                      1. P.  W.  Atkins,  Physical  Chemistry,  11   ed.,  Oxford
               Continuous assessment:    15%                   University Press, New York, 2018
               Final examination:      60%                    2. P.  W.  Atkins,  Molecular  Quantum  Mechanics,  5   ed.,
                                                               Oxford University Press, New York, 2008.
               Medium of instruction:                         3. J.  P.  Lowe,  Quantum  Chemistry,  2   ed.,  Academic
               English                                         Press, New York, 1993.
                                                              4. P.  W.,  Atkins,  J.  de  Paula,  Physical  Chemistry  for  the
               Soft skills:                                    Life Sciences, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006.
               CT1-3                                          5.  D.  Deanin,  Polymer  Structure,  Properties  and
                                                               Application. Cahners Books, Boston, 1972.
               References:                                    6. W.  Hu,  and  A.  C.  Shi,  Understanding  Soft  Condensed
               1. Francis  A.  Carey  and  Richard  J.  Sundberg,  Advanced   Matter  Via  Modeling  and  Computation,  Series  in  Soft
                 Organic Chemistry, Part B: Reactions and Synthesis, 4 .   Condensed Matter - Vol. 3. World Scientific Publishing,
                 ed., Plenum Press, New York & London, 2002.   Singapore, 2011.
               2. E. L. Eliel, S. H. Wilen, L. M. Mander, Stereochemistry   7. R.  A.  L.  Jones,  Soft  condensed  matter,  Oxford
                 of  Organic  Compounds,  John  Wiley  &  Sons  Canada,   University Press, New York, 2002.
                 Ltd., 1994.
               3. T. H. Lowry, K. S. Richardson, Mechanism and Theory
                 in  Organic  Chemistry,  3   ed.,  Benjamin-Cummings   SIC3004  PROJECT
                 Publishing Company, 1987.
               4. J.  M.  Harris  and  C.  C.  Wamser,  Fundamentals  of   Students  will  carry  out  project  works  related  to  the  BSc.
                 Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Wiley & Sons, 1976.   Programme.  This course  is  to  be  carried  out  during  final
               5. N. Isaacs, Physical Organic Chemistry, 2  ed., Prentice   semester (1 whole semester). Detailed information about
                 Hall, 1996.                                  this  course  can  be  downloaded  from  the  Department’s
               6.  S.  Warren;  P.  Wyatt,    Workbook  for  Organic   website.
                 Synthesis:  The  Disconnection  Approach,  2   ed.,  John
                 Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: United Kingdom, 2009.    Assessment Methods:
                                                              Continuous assessment: 100%

               SIC3003  PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY III                Medium of instruction:
               Molecular Quantum Mechanics
               Approximate  methods:  variational  method  and  time   Soft skills:
               independent  Perturbation  theory;  Electronic  structure  of   CS1-3, CT1-3, LL1-2, EM1-2
               molecules:  Born-Oppenheimer  approximation,  molecular
               orbital  theory,  valence-bond  theory,  Huckel  molecular   SIC3005  ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY
               orbital  theory,  electron  configuration,  Slater  determinant,
               angular  momentum  coupling,  molecular  term  symbols,   Sources,  reactions,  transport,  effects  and  fate  of  major
               spin-orbit  and  other  interactions,  molecule  spectra  and   pollutants in the environment. Principles of environmental
               selection rules; Hartree-Fock self-consistent-field method,   monitoring   and   sampling,   sample   storage   and
               other ab initio methods and hybrid systems.    pretreatment.  Introduction  to  basic  concepts  in  analytical
                                                              chemistry and chemical equilibrium. Introduction to major
               Molecular Approach to Thermodynamics           analytical techniques for environmental analysis, including
               The  fundamentals  of  statistical  mechanics  from  the   spectroscopic  and  chromatographic  methods.  Data
               definitions of molecular interactions giving a set of energy   treatment. Quality control and quality assurance.
               levels  for  N-molecule  systems.  Statistical  treatment  to
               obtain  a  distribution  of  the  most  probable  energy   Environmental Management
               configuration  or  Boltzmann  distribution.  Introduction  to   Conflicts   between   development   and   environment.
               partition  function  of  molecules  containing  all  the   Sustainable development.
               information  on  N-molecule  systems.  Ensemble  concept,   Environmental   Quality   Act   (1974).   Environmental
               incorporated  partition  function  and  its  relation  to   management   strategies.   Environmental   Impact
               thermodynamic  properties.  Intermolecular  forces  for   Assessment (EIA). Pollution control.
               various systems including liquid and soft matters. Simple
               applications of this method in various chemical problems.

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