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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIK 3021    BASIC FORENSIC SCIENCE               SIK 3023    BIOASSAY TECHNIQUES

               This  course  will  introduce  students  to  basic  forensic   This  practical  course  includes  introduction  to  bioassay
               science and  crime scene investigation. Focus will be on   techniques,  phytochemical  screening  of  phytochemical
               the biological aspects of forensic evidence including hair,   compounds  for  BSLA  test,  total  phenol  and  flavonoids,
               blood  and  other  body  fluids.  Basic  trace  evidence  ,   antioxidant DPPH, FRAP and metal chelating, isolation of
               fingerprint and blood spatter analysis .Practicals will cover   soil  microbes,  antifungus  activity  of  soil  bacteria,  cell
               techniques used to collect and analyze evidence found at   biology  assays  with  fluorescence  microscopy,  NRU
               a simulated scene of a crime.                    cytotoxicity assay, GST activity and stem cell.

               Assessment Methods:                              Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   50%                     Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Final Examination:    50%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:                           English
                                                                Soft Skills:
               Soft Skills:                                     CS2, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2
                                                                Main References:
               Main References:                                 1.  J.B.  Harborne,  Phytochemical  Methods,  (1973),  A
               1.  Richard Saferstein, Criminalistics : Introduction to   Guide  to  Modern  Techniques  of  Plants  Analysis.
                  Forensic Science, (Ed 9) Pearsons                Chapmen & Hall, Lon.
               2.  James SH,Kish PE & Sutton TP, 2005 Principles of   2.  Lars  Bohlin  and  Jan  G.  Bruhn  (1999)  Bioassay
                  Blood Stain Pattern Analysis: theory & practice. Boca   Method  in  Natural  Product  Research  and  Drug
                  Raton CRC                                        Development. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
               3.  Stuart James& Jon Nordby ; Forensic Science: An   3.  Atta-ur  Rahman,  M.  Iqbal  Choudhary  and  W.  J.
                  Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques   Thomsen  (2001)        Bioassay  Techniques  For  Drug
                  CRC press                                        Development. Harwood Academic   Publishers
               4.  Forensic entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal   4.  John  F.  Robyt  and  Bernard  J.  White  (1987)
                  investigations (2001) - Byrd, Jason H./CRC Press   Biochemical  Techniques  Theory  and  Practise,
                                                                   Brooks/Cole Publishing  Company.
                                                                5.  Trevor  Palmer  (1985)  Understanding  Enzymes,
               SIK 3022    TAXONOMY IN MEDICINAL PLANT                     Second edition, Ellis Horwood Publishers.
                                                                                                    iques  in
                        RESEARCH                                6.  Z.  Govindarajulu  (2001)  Statistical  techn
                                                                   bioassay, Basel New York, Karger.
               Principles  of  taxonomy;  the  different  disciplines  of
               taxonomy; the roles of taxonomy in modern society; plants
               and their morphologies; the role of taxonomy in medicine;   SIK 3024    CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOHEALTH
               medicinal plants from different families; conservation and                      SCIENCE
               medicinal plants; evaluating economic values of medicinal
               plants.                                          This  course  introduces  current  key  works,  scientists,
                                                                current studies and/or technologies and issues related to
               Assessment:                                      topic/project.
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:    60%                        Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Medium of Instruction:
               Soft Skills:
               CT3, LL2                                         Soft Skills:
                                                                CS5, CT3, TS4, EM2, LL2, LS2
               Main References:
               1.  Mukherjee, P.K. & Houghton, P.J. (2009). Evaluation   Main References:
                  of Herbal Medicinal Products: Perspectives on Quality,   Depending on the topics being discussed.
                  Safety, and Efficacy. Pharmaceutical Press. London.
               2.  Samy,  J.  et  al.,  (2009).  Herbs  of  Malaysia.  Marshall
                  Cavendish (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
               3.  Simpson,   M.G.   (2006).   Plant   Systematics.   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY
                  Elsevier/Academic Press, Amsterdam.                           PROGRAMME
               4.  Ong,  H.C.  (2004)  Tumbuhan  Liar:  Khasiat  Ubatan  &
                  Kegunaan Lain. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications &
                  Distributors Sdn Bhd                          Career Prospects
               5.  Malaysian  Herbal  Monograph.  Volume  1.  (1999).   Upon graduation, graduates with BSc in Biochemistry can
                  Malaysian Monograph Committee. Kuala Lumpur.   become scientists, researchers in related fields, lecturers
                                                                or  administrative  officers  in  either  government  or  private
                                                                (local  or  multinational)  agencies,  non-governmental
                                                                organisations (NGO) and international bodies.

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