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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Main References:                                 Medium of Instruction:
                1.   Palmer,  M.,  Chan, A.,  Dieckmann,  T., &  Honek, J.   English
                    (2012). Biochemical-Pharmacology (1st
                    Edition). WILEY, U.S.                       Soft Skills:
                2.   Bacq,  Z.  M.  (2014).  Fundamental  of  Biochemistry   CS3, CT3, LL2
                    Pharmacology, Elsevier.
                3.   Pharmacology  3rd  Edition  (Lippincott's  Illustrated   Main References:
                    Reviews) by Richard                          1.   Rosenberg E., DeLong E.F., Lory S., Stackebrandt
                4.   Klaassen,  C.D.,  Casarett,  L.  and  Doull,  J.  (2013).   E., Thompson F. (eds) (2013)
                    Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science   The Prokaryotes: Prokaryotic Physiology and
                    of Poisons. McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech           Biochemistry, 4th ed. Springer e-Books.
                5.   Rang, H.P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M. and Flower, R.J.   2.   Yukawa  H.,  Inui  M.  (eds)  (2013)  Corynebacterium
                    (2007).  Rang  and  Dale’s  Pharmacology,  (6th  ed.)   glutamicum: Biology and Biotechnology. Springer e-
                    Churchill Livingstone Elsevier                  Books.
                                                                 3.   Lee,  Y.  K.  Microbial  Biotechnology:  Principles  and
                                                                    Application  (3rd  ed.).  Singapore:  World  Scientific
               SIJ 3011 POST-GENOMIC TECHNOLOGY AND                 Publishing Company.
                      BIOINFORMATICS                             4.   Advances   in   Biochemical   Engineering/
                                                                    Biotechnology, 135 (2013). Yellow Biotechnology I.
               This  course  will  introduce  students  to  post-genomic  era   Insect  Biotechnologie  in  Drug  Discovery  and
               technologies and how they are used in scientific research.   Preclinical  Research.  Eds.  Andreas  Vilcinskas.
               The  course  will  focus  on  three  main  platforms  –   Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-
               transcriptomics,  proteomics  and  metabolomics.  Students   39862
               will  be  exposed  to  bioinformatics  tools  to  allow  them  to   5.   Basic of Biosciences Agriculture from Nagoya
               understand, analyse, integrate and correlate data from the   University –OpenCourseWare (
               three platforms. The use of these technologies in studying
               biological  systems  will  also  be  explored.  A  brief   OpenCourseWare (
               introduction  to  other  post-genomic  technologies  (e.g.
               lipidomics,  glycomics,  etc)  will  also  be  included.
               Throughout the course, students will also be introduced to
               Bioinformatics in data analysis and management.   SIJ 3013  NATURAL PRODUCT BIOCHEMISTRY AND
                                                                       DRUG DISCOVERY
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     This course is designed to provide an overview to the field
               Final Examination:     60%                       of natural product and drug discovery. This course covers
                                                                the  different  types  of  natural  product  and  their  usages,
               Medium of Instruction:                           positive/negative effects of its usage, important classes of
               English                                          chemical  compounds,  mechanism  of  reaction,  methods
                                                                and suitable experimental techniques that can be applied
               Soft Skills:                                     to  isolate  and  identify  bioactive  component.  Drug
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2                               discovery component will emphasis on how to bring a drug
                                                                from  concept  to  market,  introduction  to  drug  approval
               Main References:                                 process, clinical trials, drug safety guidelines, and ethical
                1.   Scientific journal papers                  issues.  Research  and  development  that  will  lead  to  the
                2.   Notes to be provided during lectures       invention  of  potential  commercialisable  product  will  also
                3.   Introducing  Proteomics:  From  concepts  to  sample   be discussed using selected example.
                    separation,  mass  spectrometry  and  data  analysis
                    (2011). Josip Lovric                        Assessment Methods:
                4.   Transcriptomics:   Expression   Pattern   Analysis   Continuous Assessment:   40%
                    (2009). Virendra Gomase                     Final Examination:     60%
                5.   Metabolomics  in  Practice:  Successful  Strategies  to
                    Generate  and  Analyze  Metabolic  Data  (2013).   Medium of Instruction:
                    Michael Lammerhofer and Wolfram Weckwerth   English

                                                                Soft Skills:
               SIJ 3012  APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND               CT3, LL2
                                                                Main References:
               The course introduces principles of fermentation including   1.  Recent  Trends  in  Biotechnology  and  Therapeutic
               upstream  and  downstream  processes.    Enzyme     Application  of  Medicinal  Plants  (2013)  Mohd  Shahid,
               technology  in  industry  and  in  non-aqueous  media.    Anwar Shahzad, Abida Malik, Aastha Sahai; Springer
               Biotechnological  approaches  for  pest  management.    2.  Drug  Discovery  and  Evaluation:  Pharmacological
               Management  of  resistance  in  transgenic  insects  towards   Assays,  3   ed,  edited  by  H.G.  Vogel;  Springer
               GMO  plants.  The  course  also  examines  some  effective   Reference.
               methods  of  extraction,  purification  and  quality  criteria  of   3.  Bioactive Natural Products  – Detection, Isolation and
               palm  oil.    The  food  and  non-food  uses  of  palm  oil  as  a   Structural Determination (2007), Steven M. Colegate,
               consequence  of  modifications  (chemical,  physical,   Russell J. Molyneux; CRC Press
               enzymatic, selective breeding and genetic engineering) of   4.  Natural Products from Plants (2006) 2  ed. Leland J
               palm oil will be discussed.                         Cseke,  Ara  Kirakosyan,  Peter  B  Kaufman,  Sara  L
                                                                   Warber, James A Duke, Harry L Brielmann; Taylor &
               Assessment Methods:                                 Francis
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                     5.  Natural Product Chemistry for Drug Discovery (2009),
               Final Examination:     60%                          Anthony D Buss, Mark S Butler; RSC Publishing

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