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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIJ 3014 MOLECULAR STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY            Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               The  course  will  introduce  to  students    the  structure  of   Final Examination:     60%
               proteins  at  all  levels,  and  how  this  relates to  function. A
               non-mathematical introduction of the basic principle of X-  Medium of Instruction:
               ray crystallography and other techniques used in structural   English
               studies. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the second
               most  important  technique  for  determining  the  three-   Soft Skills:
               dimensional  structure  of  macromolecules.  Electron   CS3, CT3, LL3
               Microscopy (EM) is a technique that is complementary to
               X-ray  crystallography  as  it  enables  the  study  of  non-  Main References:
               crystalline,  very  large  or  transient  macromolecular   1.  Robert  A.  Weinberg  (2013).  The  Biology  of  Cancer.
               structures.   This   course   also   introduces   some    Garlend Science.
               methodologies  for  protein  purification  for  structural   2.  Kleinsmith  LJ  (2006).  Principles  of  Cancer  Biology.
               studies. It also examines the importance of protein-protein   Pearson.
               interactions and some techniques used for the study.   3.  Bronchud,  MH.  (2004).  Principles  of  Molecular
                                                                   Oncology (2nd Ed). Humana Press, New Jersey.
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:     60%
                                                                   BACHELOR OF SCIENCE  IN ENVIRONMENTAL
               Medium of Instruction:                                    MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME

               Soft Skills:                                     Career Prospects
               CS2, CT3,TS1, LL2                                Graduates  from  this  Programme  have  the  opportunity  to
                                                                contribute  to  the  nation’s  development  as  managers,
               Main References:                                 consultants,  academicians,  scientists,  officers,  planners,
               1.  Physical  Biochemistry:  Principles  and  Applications.   auditors,  law  enforcers  or  educators  in  the  environment
                  2000.  David Sheehan. Wiley .                 and public health and safety sectors. They can also work
               2.  Introduction  to  Protein  Structure.  Carl  Branden  and   in private and non-governmental organisation sectors.
                  John Tooze.Garland   Publishing Inc.

                                                                SIH 1002 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY
                                                                Distribution,  transport  and  fate  of  major  pollutants  in  the
               This course introduces a new field in  genetics known as   environment.  Principles  of  environmental  monitoring  and
               epigenetics. It will cover topics involving DNA methylation   sampling,  sample  storage  and  pretreatment.  Introduction
               and  histone  modification  and  how  it  controls  gene   to  basic  concepts  in  environmental  chemistry,  chemical
               expression.  It  will  also  cover  chromatin  remodelling  and   analysis and chemical equilibrium.
               genomic  imprinting.  The  course  will  also  discuss  RNA
               related biology processes.                       Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Assessment Methods:                              Final Examination:      60%
               Continuous Assessment:   40%
               Final Examination:     60%                       Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, EM2.
               Soft Skills:
               CT3, LL2                                         Main References:
                                                                1.  James  E.  Girard,  Principles  Of  Environmental
               Main References:                                    Chemistry,2009
                1.  Snustad.  (2012)  Principles  of  genetics.  7   Edition   2.  Stanley E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Eight
                    John Wiley                                     Edition, 2004.
                2.  Devlin. (2013) Textbook of biochemistry. John Wiley   3.  Dejene  Eyele  Tessema.,  Environmental  Chemistry,
                3.  Stryer. (2012) Biochemistry.  Freeman          African virtual University, 2010
                4.  Watson.  (2012)  Molecular  biology  of  the  gene.
                    Pearson/Benjamin Cumming.
                5.  Lewin. (2012) Genes VIII. Oxford University Press.   SIH 1003 PLANT AND ENVIRONMENT

                                                                Introduction  to  plant  system,  structure  and  function.
               SIJ 3016 BIOCHEMISTRY OF CANCER                  Energy  conservation  in  photosynthesis.  Introduction  to
                                                                environmental  issues.  Role  of  plant  in  mitigating  the
               This  course  will  cover  the  origins  of  cancer  and  the   environmental  issues.  Plant-environmental  stresses.
               genetic and cellular basis for cancer.  It will examine the   Plant-environment interactions and examples.
               factors that have been implicated in triggering cancers; the
               intercellular  interactions  involved  in  cancer  proliferation;   Assessment Methods:
               current  treatments  for  cancer  and  how  these  are   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               designed; and future research and treatment directions for   Final Examination:      60%
               cancer therapy.
                                                                Medium of Instruction:

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