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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
2. Eccleston CH. and Doub JP 2012. Preparing NEPA SIH 3008 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Environmental Assessments: A User’s Guide to Best
Professional Practices. CRC Press Focusing on the basic principles and strategies towards
3. Morgan RK 2012. Environmental impact sustainable development by referring to the established
assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment framework.
and Project Appraisal 30(1): 5–14
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
SIH 3006 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
Students shall be acquainted with EMS in general, English
discussing and tracking its history. Discussion on ISO
14001 shall be conducted in detail whereby each of the 5 Soft Skills:
principals shall be deliberated. This is to ensure that CT3, TS2, LL2
students are familiar with the Standards and able to
implement it upon graduation. The rest of course shall Main References:
examine the remainder of the ISO 14000 Series without 1. Elliott, J.A. (2013). An introduction to sustainable
going into details but suffice to equip the students with the development. 4 Edition. New York: Routledge.
relevant knowledge on each of the subject. The series are: 2. Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F., Boyd, J.A. (2012). An
Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE), Introduction to Sustainable Development. UK:
Environmental Auditing (EA), Evaluation on ISO 14001 Earthscan.
series will be conducted on given cases.
3. Egelston, A.E. (2013). Sustainable development: A
Assessment Methods: history. Netherlands: Springer.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60%
Medium of Instruction:
English Introduction to eco-engineering, as an alternative
approach to stabilize and sustain slope. Compare and
Soft Skills: contrast between Eco-engineering and Engineering
CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2 techniques. Landslide types and processes. Slope stability
classification. Demonstrate the techniques and
MainReferences: mechanisms of eco-engineering. Vegetation screening
1. John Brady (Editor), Alison Ebbage (Editor), Ruth procedures. Monitoring the performance of vegetation.
Lunn (Editor) 2011. Environmental Management in The effectiveness of Plant Propagation Techniques.
Organizations: The IEMA Handbook Hardcover. Erosion. Case studies of eco-engineered slopes.
2. Adrian Belcham. 2014. Manual of Environmental
Management Hardcover. Assessment Methods:
3. Walter Klöpffer (Author), Birgit Grahl (Author). 2014. Continuous Assessment: 50%
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Hardcover – 2 Apr Final Examination: 50%
Medium of Instruction:
Soft Skills:
Waste management and waste generation. Collection and CS3, CT2, TS2
transportation of waste. Recycling and waste reduction.
Resource conservation. Wastewater treatment. Solid Main References:
waste treatment technologies. Energy recovery. Physical 1. Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), 2010.
treatment. Hazardous waste. Industrial waste. Guideline for erosion and sediment control in
Malaysia. DID, Malaysia.
Assessment Methods: 2. Ecological Engineering.
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% ISSN: 0925-8574.
3. Landscape and Eco-engineering.
Medium of Instruction: ISSN: 1860-1871.
CS3, CT4, TS2, LS2
This course is an advancement of the earlier course,
Main References: Introduction to Geographic Information System for the
1. Agamuthu, P & Masaru Tanaka. 2014. Municipal Program of BSc. (Science and Environmental
Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific Management). It covers GIS software and analysis tools
Islands: Challenges and Strategic Solutions. which to be used by academic researchers and educators,
Springer Singapore. and those with responsibility for planning and delivery of
2. Agamuthu, P. Solid Waste: Principles and emergency control systems or large scale physical
Management. University of Malaya Press (2001). infrastructure projects. Application basic geometric and
3. Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Vigil, S. (1993). related operations together with conceptual frameworks
Integrated Solid Waste Management. Engineering for spatial analysis are the focus of this course.
Principles and Management Issues.