Page 139 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 139

Sinopsis Kursus Elektif / Elective Courses Synopsis

      Dunia Maritim dan Globalisasi di Asia Tenggara
      Maritime World and Globalization in Southeast Asia

      Secara umumnya, kursus ini memberi tumpuan kepada perkembangan dunia maritim dalam konteks globalisasi di Asia Tenggara dari abad
      ke 18 hingga awal abad ke 20. Bahagian pertama kursus ini memfokus kepada perkembangan pelabuhan dan perkapalan di Asia Tenggara
      dari abad ke 18 hingga abad ke 19 melalui pendekatan beberapa region lautan seperti Laut China Selatan, Laut Sulu, Laut Sulawesi dan
      Selat  Melaka.  Dengan  mengkaji  region  lautan  tertentu  perkara-perkara  tentang  geografi,  fungsi  pelabuhan  dan  faktor-  faktor  yang
      mempengaruhi  perkembangan  pelabuhan  di  rantau  ini  akan  dibincangkan  dalam  bahagian  kedua  kursus  ini  Perkembangan  pesat
      perdagangan  antarabangsa  menjelang  abad  ke  19  serta  kaitannya  dengan  pembukaan  pelabuhan  moden  di  Asia  Tenggara  akan
      dibincangkan  dalam  bahagian  ketiga  kursus  ini.  Bahagian  akhir  kursus  ini  akan  menganalisis  cabaran-  cabaran  yang  dihadapi  oleh
      pelabuhan-  pelabuhan  utama  di  rantau  ini  terutama  dari  segi  persaingan  dan  pembangunan  infrastruktur  serta  teknologi  dalam  era
      globalisasi menjelang abad ke 20 termasuk pembangunan mampan.

      In general this course focuses on the development of the maritime world in the context of globalization in Southeast Asia from the 18th to
      early 20th century. The first part of the course discusses the development of ports and shipping in the region from 18th century to 19th
      century through ocean region approach namely South China Sea, Sulu Sea and the Straits of Malacca. By using this approach the important
      aspects like geography, the function of ports and the factors that contribute to the development of the ports in the region will be discussed in
      the second part of the course. The rapid development of international trade in the 19th century and its relation with the opening of modern
      ports in the region will be discussed in the third part of the course. The final part of this course will analyze the main challenges faced by
      major ports in the region in terms of competition and infrastructure development and technology in the era of globalization in the early 20th
      century including sustainable development.

     Gerakan Sosial di Asia Tenggara
     Social Movements In Southeast Asia

     Kursus ini memperkenalkan salah satu aspek collective action di kalangan masyarakat Asia Tenggara yang membawa kepada tertubuhnya
     gerakan  sosial.  Ia  menjelaskan  bentuk,  ciri  dan  teori-teori  asas  yang  mengilhami  pembentukan  gerakan  sosial.  Dimensi  temporal
     (merangkumi era pra kolonial, kolonial dan pasca kolonial) dan spatial (merangkumi Eropah dan Asia) yang mencetuskan pelbagai gerakan
     sosial  seperti  gerakan  pemuda,  wanita,  pekerja,  enviromentalis  dan  masyarakat  sivil  akan  dikaji.  Kejayaan  dan  cabaran  gerakan  sosial
     dalam  membawa  pembaharuan  serta  keterbukaan  masyarakat  dan  kerajaan  terhadap  gerakan  sosial  sebagai  agen  perubahan  juga

     The  course  introduces  students  to  a  form  of  collective  action  among  the  people  of  Southeast  Asia  leading  to  the  formation  of  social
     movements.  It  explains  characteristics  and  theories  related  to  social  movements.  The  temporal  dimension  (from  the  precolonial  period,
     colonization period and post-cold war period) and the spatial (including Europe and Asia) in the formation of various social movements is
     scrutinized. Case studies of labour, women, human rights, democratic and new religious movements will be examined to highlight the state
     of human rights violations and role of social movements to demand for reforms in the region. The achievements and challenges of social
     movements as agents of social change will be examined by linking to contemporary human rights situations in Southeast Asia as well as the
     global waves of change such as the Arab Spring and various other political tsunamis.
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