Page 211 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 211

      Sastera Perbandingan dalam Kesusasteraan Tamil
      Literary Comparison In Tamil Literature

      Kursus ini membicangkan unsur-unsur seperti pengenalan kepada sejarah perkembangan kesusasteraan bandingan dan teori-teori
      perbandingan.  Kursus  ini  juga  akan  memberi  latihan  dalam  aspek  cara-cara  membuat  perbandingan  teks  sastera  denagn
      menggunakan teoriteori perbandingan sastera.

      This course discusses the aspects of comparative literature from the historical perspective. Various Literary and Criticism theories will
      be explained. Students will be encouraged to produce a paper using comparative literary theories.

      Kesusasteraan Folklore Tamil
      Tamil Folklore Literature

      Kursus ini meninjau sejarah perkembangan bidang folklore dalam masyarakat Tamil. Ciri-ciri unik kesusasteraan folklore Tamil akan
      dikenalpasti. Pelajar-pelajar digalak menilai impak folklore Tamil ke atas masyarkat Tamil di India dan di Malaysia.

      This  course  traces  the  historical  development  of  Tamil  Folklore  Literature.  The  unique  features  of  Tamil  Folklore  Literature  will  be
      identified. The impact of Tamil Folklore Literature on Indian and Malaysian Tamil Communities will be studied.

      Amalan dan Kepercayaan Masyarakat  Hindu
      Malaysia Belief And Practises Malaysian Hindus

      Kursus  ini  menjelaskan  latar  belakang  dan  kedudukan  masyarakat  Hindu  Malaysia.  Sejarah  Hindu  Malaysia  secara  am  akan
      dihuraikan.  Pendedahan  kepada  amalan  dan  kepercayaan  sosial  dan  budaya  masyarakat  Hindu  Malaysia  serta  isu-isu  yang
      berkaitannya akan dikaji.

      This  course  explains  the  background  and  position  of  the  Malaysian  Hindu  community,  where  the  history  of  Malaysian  Hindu  will  be
      elaborated in general. At the same time the social and cultural practices and beliefs of the Malaysian Hindu community will be exposed
      together with the related issues will be studied.
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