Page 37 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 37

Sinopsis Kursus Teras / Core Courses Synopsis

       Agama dan Masyarakat
       Religion and Society

       Kursus ini membincangkan asal usul agama serta ilmu perbandingan agama dari konteks antropologi dan sosiologi agama. Ia
       juga membincangkan konsep keamanan agama dan konflik yang berlaku sehingga agama dilihat sebagai satu ancaman.

       This course introduces the roots of religion as well as comparative religion from the perspective of anthropology and sociology
       .of religion. It also discusses the concept of religious peace and the conflicts that occur until religion is seen as a threat

       Identiti, Kepelbagaian dan Komuniti
       Identity, Diversity and Community

       Kursus  ini  memberi  tumpuan  utama  terhadap  isu  dan  permasalahan  berhubung  kepelbagaian  identiti  dalam  komuniti  di
       seluruh dunia. Perbincangan kursus ini juga merangkumi isu-isu berkaitan identiti sosial dan hubungan antara kumpulan dan
       konsep komuniti dalam masyarakat. Selain itu kursus ini juga melihat pembinaan konsep identiti dan komuniti berdasarkan
       ras, identiti etnik, gender serta kelas sosial.

       This course focuses on issues and problems associated with various forms of identities in the world community. Discussions cover
       issues related to social identity, inter-group contact and the concept of community in society. The course will also review the
       development of the concept of identity and community based on race, ethnic identity, gender and social class.

       Remaja dan Masalah Psikososial
       Adolescent and Psychosocial Problem

        Beberapa topik yang menyentuh soal tingkahlaku bermasalah remaja diperkenalkan. Di antaranya ialah apakah tingkahlaku
        bermasalah, kenapa ia ditunjukkan dan bagaimana menangani masalah-masalah tersebut.

        Several topics on problematic behaviour of the adolescents are introduced. Among them are what is problematic behaviour, why
        it happens and how to handle the problems.
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