Page 28 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 28

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

               Humanity Skill:
               CS4, CT4

                   1.  De Vries, B. J. (2012). Sustainability science. Cambridge University Press.
                   2.  Clements-Croome,  D.  (2010).  Encyclopedia  of  sustainability  science  and  technology.
                       Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
                   3.  Edward, J.H. et al. (2008). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MIT

               SQE7005 Policy and Management of Sustainable Development

               Transformation  in  science,  technology  and  innovation  (STI)  is  an  important  driving  force  in  the
               attainment of a more sustainable future. Such proficiency is aided by a system of innovation that
               emphasises, among others, on learning, development of linkages and capabilities, and fostering of
               enterprises and entrepreneurship. The course will provide an overview of these themes including an
               examination  of  STI  policies  and  management  for  selected  issues  in  Sustainable  Development  e.g.
               water, food and energy nexus. Case studies related to these themes will be presented.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment 60%
               Final Examination 40%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skills:
               Mastering the skills of analysing policy document

               Humanity Skill:
               TS3, KK2

                   1.  Robertson, M. (2014) Sustainability principles and practice. Routledge
                   2.  Dovers,  S.,  &  Hussey,  K.  (2013).  Environment  and  sustainability:  a  policy  handbook.
                       Federation Press.
                   3.  Loorbach, Derk (2007). Transition management: new mode of  governance for sustainable
                       development. Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT).

               SQE7006 Ethics of Sustainability

               Introduction to the worldview of modern science and emphasis on its relation with ethical issues of
               sustainable development. Ethical implications of new technologies and moral choices. Professional
               ethics in Science, Technology, experimentation and research related to sustainable development.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment 60%
               Final Examination 40%

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