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        ALMA ARTIN VAQARI                                     Achievements and participations:

                                                              •Co-founder of KitaGeenius
                                                              •Head  of  the  Strategic  Department  in  The  Kalsom
                                                                Movement  2020/21,  a  youth-led  movement  that
                                                              aims to address education inequality in Malaysia
                                                              •Spearheaded  the  Council  Policy  and  Strategy
                                                              Division under the International Council of Malaysian
                                                              Scholars and Associates 2020/21
                                                              •Project  Director  of  the  Global  Community  Service
                                                              Project  2020/21.  I  spearheaded  my  team  in
                                                              increasing  awareness  and  Call-To-Action  regarding
                                                              the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
                                                              •Champion in Case4Impact by the Malaysian SOCIAL
                                                              Project 2020
                                                              •Best  Speaker  and  finalist  in  Corporate  Insights  &
              I  am  currently  a  third-year  student  pursuing  a  Empowerment 6.0 by Malaysian Students' Council of
              bachelor's  degree  in  Science  and  Technology  Australia, Victoria (MASCA Victoria)
              Studies. I specifically chose this field as I realized  •First Runner-up in Unilever Future Leaders League
              that  I  have  a  talent  for  social  science  but  love  2021
              learning sciences at the same time. This degree  •Official fundraiser for UNICEF and SUKA society
              intersects both fields, that caters to my strength  •Anugerah  Jasa  Bakti  KK9  for  academic  and  co-
              and  learning  needs.  I  have  excelled  in  my  curricular contributions
              academics, receiving Dean’s list for the past three  •Project  Director  of  Global  Community  Service
              semesters.                                      Project 2020/21
                                                              •Traditional and creative dancer for FESENI 2019/20
              I  always  find  myself  passionate  about  creating  •Represented KK9 in netball for SUKMUM 19/20
              social  impact,  where  I  recently  co-founded
              KitaGeenius.  This  social  enterprise  aims  to
              increase  refugees’  academic  and  economic
              potential  through  the  propagation  of  future-
              focused skills.

              In the future, I envision that I will be able to pick
              up the skills and experiences needed to build my
              own  start-up  and  continue  bringing  my  social
              enterprise  to  even  greater  heights.  I  foresee  us
              becoming a primary learning centre that offers a
              holistic  learning  curriculum  for  refugees  and
              other    marginalised   and    underprivileged
              communities.  I  hope  always  to  remain  humble
              and inspire those around me. It is a huge dream,
              but  you  know  what  they  say!  “Shoot  for  the
              moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the

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